Chapter 20 - Ahmad

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"Look Ahmad, whatever is happening in your house you are the sole architect. I am saying this because you chose your wife over your parents" My uncle, Bappah Zaki said in disappointment. He was my father's immediate brother and had eleven children.

"But kawu (uncle) Bappah, my wife wasn't like this before. She started all this the day my parents talked about her barrenness. They want me to divorce her and marry a fertile woman, that is why she started acting strange. She's scared of losing me" I said hoping he would understand.

"Why wouldn't they talk about her problem? You know your father is the sole owner of Zaki Company and he wants only his blood to rule over the company, if you don't provide an heir right now there is a possibility that your cousins are the ones to take over the company from you when you are gone, and your father is against that" He said.

"But we are all from Zaki family, why can't we share what we have? If brother Salman, Jibril, or Yasir takeover the company after my death what harm will it do to Baba? After all, they also have Zaki blood in them" I said.

"You are right, Ahmad but just respect your father's decision. Do as he told you to because things are now getting worst in your house. If Naziha can spend more than three weeks somewhere else without your permission then I am very scared for your union" He lamented.

Indeed he was right, I also feared for my union with Naziha but what could I do? The more she pushed me away the more I loved her. It wasn't easy for me when she left but Alhamdulillah (thanks be to God), Humairah was there for me.

"But kawu (uncle) Bappah I still love Naziha, I love her so very much" I huffed.

"Ahmad, don't listen to your heart. Use your brain and do the right thing. I fear for you the evil of women like Naziha. Idan ka ga dama (if you like) heed my advice, if you like don't. I've said my own" He said as he gently stood from his armchair and left the parlor to his room. He was done talking and I dare not stop him from leaving.

I left his house in the evening and returned back home very late in the night. Humairah was already home, same as Sarah. I couldn't eat my dinner which was in the dining table waiting for me so I walked upstairs towards my room. Naziha's room was close to mine, hence just as I passed through her door I heard her talking on phone with somebody. Their conversation caught my attention so I began eavesdropping.

"Kai Mallam (hey clergyman), nifa na gaji (I am tired). You said three weeks with you and now you are saying I should come back for another week?" She said and paused.

My heart began beating very fast, what did she meant by her words? Did she...? Oh My God!

"Ya zaka ce haka (why would you say that)? I am someone's wife not a prostitute. Do you know the curses that was rained on me because of the three intimate weeks we had together? If you know wallahi (I swear) you won't ask me to come back..." She said.

Now I got it, I really... really got it!

"Ya ishe ka (enough)!" She continued with the call. "Macuci kawai (betrayer)! You used me the way you like for nothing. I never knew you are a fake Mallam (clergyman). Ya zaka mun haka (why would you do this to me)?" She started sobbing. "Ka min shiru (shut up)! Kuma kada ka sake kira na (don't you ever call me) baby. I am not your baby, and woe to you. I will make sure I reveal your secret to the world so do that no woman will fall into your trap again. Wicked man, may Allah burn you in the pit of hell!"

She was yelling and cursing him when I decided to barge into the room. She was astonished on seeing me. She didn't even know when her phone dropped down the floor and scattered around.

"Ahmad?" She puzzled in tears.

I wanted to be strong but I couldn't. I loved her, I took risks for her, I abandoned my parents because of her, I could die for her but all she did was to cheat me in the quest of conceiving against all odds. I didn't even know when tears began rolling down my cheeks too. I was heartbroken, so I ran out of the room.

"Ahmad, please forgive me my love..." She tried to stop me but all I did was to keep running. She really broke my heart, would I ever forgive her? Why would she hurt me that bad? Why would she....? Oh My God, she had shattered my life and right now her face was the last thing I would like to see in my life.

"Mubarak, open the gate now!" I yelled at the sleeping bastard and quickly ran into my car.

Naziha met me in the parking lot and kept begging me to stop and listen to what she would like to tell me but I quickly ignited the engine into action and reversed back. I almost wounded her by so doing that but I didn't care. I accelerated out of the house and drove in a very high speed to the highway. I didn't care if I died at that moment, I was in a deep pain!


I don't know when I'm coming back.

I'll be gone for a little while,

But I will keep myself for me and you,

I'll be back for you.

I don't know what the future brings,

But I want you to be with me.

I go dey hope and pray say make you wait for me,

Cause I'll come back for you!



It pains to be betrayed!

Please if you are enjoying this book and wish to support me, I only need one help from you. Connect me with any reliable person you know that can get me a job, especially with the government. It can be uniform work (e.g Civil Defence, Immigration, Custom, etc), I would gladly accept. I am an NCE holder and would be very happy if you assist me in securing a job. Thank you.

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