Chapter 42 - Ahmad

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Three days ago, we celebrated our company's 35th Anniversary. Things went perfectly as planned, and in the end my wives and I were interviewed by Wattpad Tv.

To say I was impressed by how they responded to each and every question thrown upon them by the interviewer is an understatement, Humairah especially. Rania too did her best.

It's good to be extra careful, you know, with what you say during interviews because it would spread and go many miles away. After the interview, we all headed home.

The following day, I took Humairah and our kids to their village. She had insisted in seeing her parents. Actually, it had been quite some time since we last paid them a visit.

Upon our arrival in the village, we were humbly welcomed. Our security guards helped in controlling the crowd outside as we walked into the renovated house of Humairah's parents, my parents in-law.

Alhaji Mus'ab was happy to see us, he widened his kolanut stained teeth and opened his arms to embrace his grandchildren — our triplets. They were happy to see him too.

Humairah however was embraced by her mother who carefully took note of her pregnancy. "Let's go inside, you need to rest" The woman said.

"Ba matsala Mama (No problem, mom)" Humairah sighed. "Parlor is okay" She added with a smile.

Thus, they sat in a sofa and I couldn't get enough of her beauty as she took off her hijab.

I kept looking at her as she conversed with her mother, forgetting our triplets as they play with their grandfather.

I love you, Humairah...

I said in my mind and guess what? She turned making me to wonder if she was a telepath. I mean, when did she started reading people's mind? Lol, don't mind me.

She smiled at me and then sighed.

After nearly six hours in the village, we decided to return back home. And on her behalf, I gave her parents six hundred and twenty thousand naira (N620,000) cash in hand.

I also made contribution of a million and half (1.5million naira) through cheque for the completion of a nearby Masjid (mosque) which we saw on our way coming, hopefully I would be rewarded abundantly for it.

As soon as we were home, I took shower and prayed before putting on my nightwear. Nothing like eating dinner because we had ate before coming back, a super delicious local food if I may say. Yes, tuwo!

Humairah, however, went to lull our triplets to bed immediately she took her own shower and wore her nightgown.

Eventually, she returned back and saw me not asleep yet. Actually, I was going through some business documents in my laptop.

"Honey, you are still awake?" She asked as she walked into the room. "You really need to rest!"

"Humairah, I tried" I smiled shutting off the laptop. "I think I have insomnia these days" I said trying to scare her.

"No, you don't" She said as she gently climbed the bed with her bump and covered herself with the blanket. "Just try and get some sleep, okay?"

"Alright" I said dropping the laptop aside.

"Good" She smiled and turned her body to the other side of the bed, giving me access to her back.

Thus, I drew closer to her and embraced her from the back in order to enjoy the warmness of her body.

"Something is telling me twins are in here" I uttered cherishing her bump with my hand.

"Twins?" She asked. "I... I already gave you triplets and it wasn't really easy" She complained.

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