Chapter 41 - Humairah

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Yesterday was Zaki Group's 35th Anniversary and we had a very exhausting interview with Wattpad Tv. They were so interested in knowing almost everything about our lives. Imagine them asking about my undercover marriage with Ahmad, and also asking Rania who amongst us did Ahmad loved more! Well, we answered what we could and left what we couldn't. After all, it was just an interview.

Today, Ahmad took me and my kids to our village. We had no intention of staying there for long so we returned back late in the night. Just after lulling my triplets to sleep, I pecked them on their foreheads respectively and left to my room. They disliked sleeping in the dark so I didn't turn their lights off. One thing I loved about them more was their complexion, they were so fair like their father, Ahmad.

"Honey, you are still awake?" I puzzled as soon as I walked into my room. "You really need to rest!"

"Humairah, I tried" Ahmad smiled shutting off his laptop. "I think I have insomnia these days"

"No, you don't" I said as I gently climbed the bed with my bump and covered myself with the blanket. "Just try and get some sleep, okay?"

"Alright" He said dropping the laptop aside.

"Good" I smiled and turned my body to the other side of the bed. That way, he would be able to draw himself closer to my back, place his hand on my bump and enjoy my warmness. He loved being very close to me.

"Something is telling me twins are in here" He uttered cherishing my bump with his hand.

"Twins?" I blurted out. "I... I already gave you triplets and it wasn't really easy" I complained.

"Hmm" He sighed.

"Okay, if that's what you want then no problem. May Allah Almighty give me the strength to bore them for you" I prayed.

"Ameen" He pecked my shoulder. "I love you, Humairah"

"I love you too" I said.

"Goodnight" He bade me.

"Goodnight" I bade him back.

Just then, I shut my eyes off and there I went, to the dreamland. The following day, I woke up as early as quarter past five in the morning. Ahmad was still sleeping so I woke him up for fajr prayer. We prayed and he returned back to sleep while I went to wake my sleeping kids up.

"Wake up babies, it's morning already" I said as I slightly patted each and every one of them. "Wake up and pray please!" I kvetched.

Thus, they began raising from their beds one after the other and yawning. "Morning, mommy..." They greeted me respectively.

"Morning, babies" I walked to the window and slid the curtain. "Make sure you all pray, okay?"

"Okay, mommy" They chorused.

"Good!" I said wearing a broad smile on my face. "Let me go and prepare breakfast. Don't forget to greet everyone after praying, okay?"

"Yes, mommy!" They chorused again.

"Good" I said and left their room to that of Rania. Yes, Rania! We had all packed to Ahmad's late father's house. It was a very big mansion and Ahmad's mother was finding it difficult to live there alone ever since she lose her husband to death.

When I knocked at Rania's door, I didn't get a reply. She was probably still sleeping and I doubted if she had prayed Fajr yet. One thing I disliked more about Rania was her irreligiousness. She hardly pray in time and she didn't care if her children pray or not.

"Hajiya Rania!" I knocked again.

"Humairah, please!" She squealed.

"Yes, it's prayer time!" I announced.

"I know, thank you!" She said.

"Alright" I huffed and left the door.

I went to Ahmad's mother, Hajiya Qudrah and greeted her before going to the kitchen to make breakfast.

When I stepped into the kitchen, I found out Nanny Hadiza had already started cooking. We had two nannies, Hadiza and Barakah. The former took care of my kids and helped me with chores while the latter was responsible for Rania's case.


We had our wonderful breakfast, hence Ahmad drove me and our triplets to a plaiter to plait our hair.

"Dad, don't go!" The girls chorused as soon as Ahmad dropped us in the plaiter's house and was about driving back home. "Please, dad!"

"Hmm, kiddies I have a lot to take care of at home" He said. "I have files to arrange for tomorrow"

"Dad, please..." Qudrah said.

The triplets were so identical but I knew my kids, I knew what I conceived and bore and after all, they all had their favourite colours. Qudrah loved black, Jasraa loved yellow while Aisha loved pink. I selected the colours for them since when they were babies, and all their clothes had their colours in them.

"Okay, I will stay" Ahmad rose his hands in defeat before gently hopping out of the car.

"Thank you, daddy" They rushed and hugged him. "Let's go inside together" They held him.

"Okay... okay" He uttered before turning to me with a smile. "I hope I won't be the only male inside?"

"We normally buy time from her, no one is allowed to get in while we are in. So, it's only us" I uttered as we walked through the gate of the house.

"I love you, Humairah" He said in front of our kids. "And I am so very happy to have you"

"Same here" I said smiling back at him.

We went into the house together and just as the woman began plaiting one of our kids' hair, we heard a loud knock by the gate.

"I thought we book this time?" I said to the plaiter. It seemed she was surprised as well.

"Yes madam, and I already told my customers about it. Maybe it's a new client since I am not expecting any visitor this morning" She said.

"Now what?" I said as the knocking continued.

"Let me go and..." The woman was about standing up when Ahmad told her not to.

"Just continue with your work, let me go and check" He uttered as he stood and walked over to the gate. Just then, we heard him screamed. "Naziha?? No, no, no, this can't be real. This can't fucking be real!"

That moment, I was perplexed!

Did he just say, NAZIHA?


Okey, so how was this chapter?

Forgive me for the errs, pls. 

And if you are enjoying this book and wish to support me, please I only need one help from you. Connect me with any reliable person you know that can get me a job, especially with the government. It can be uniform work (e.g Civil Defence, Immigration, Custom, etc), I would gladly accept. I am an NCE holder and would be very happy if you assist me in securing a job. Thank you. 08165479816.

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