Chapter 40 - Interviews

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- Five Years Later -

Wattpad Tv: Tell us more about yourself, Humairah. We heard your wedding with Ahmad Jaafar Zaki was done secretly, true or false?

Humairah: (Laughs), that was five years ago. Yes, it was done secretly and I don't want to talk about it anymore. I am Hajiya Humairah Ahmad Mus'ab. I was once a masturbator but Alhamdulillah, I quitted the habit long time ago... after so much prayer (Sighs).

The first day I met my husband, Ahmad, was the day he hit my uncle's car. I was just 16 to 17 by then. I later became his cook and guess what? He didn't even recognized me at all. From cook to friend, I.T student and then to housewife. And now, our triplets would soon be celebrating their 4th birthday. They are Aisha, Jasraa, and Qudrah. So beautiful.

Wattpad Tv: How about your occupation?

Humairah: People say if your husband is rich you don't have to work, well my own husband is a billionaire and one of the youngest CEOs in the world yet I teach in a private school. Look, you don't have to always wait for someone to give you something, find your own way too.

Wattpad Tv: That's correct but many people dislike teaching, what can you say about that?

Humairah: Actually, the government is the main reason why people dislike teaching. If you go to other countries of the world, teachers are the ones receiving the highest salary but not in Nigeria. Teaching isn't valued here and that's why many people are running away from the profession.

But ask yourself, if everybody is to run away from teaching then who will teach our children at school? Nobody! And we all know that without teachers there won't be any profession, hence running away from the job won't do us any good but harm. I even had the chance to work with NAFDAC but I turned down their offer because I fell outrightly for teaching.

Wattpad Tv: Indeed teaching is good, may God bless all our teachers.

Humairah: Ameen.

Wattpad Tv: Thank you for being with us, Humairah Ahmad Mus'ab. We really appreciate it. Thank you and thank you.

Humairah: (Smiles), my pleasure.


Wattpad Tv: Dr. Rania Bappah, we heard you recently completed your PhD program. Can you tell us something about your life?

Rania: Well, (clears throat) I've experienced a lot in my life. Let's just forget about the past. I made my peace with Humairah and I am happy to share Ahmad with her, not because of anything but because of her good heart and beautiful triplets. She's presently pregnant, me too but with my third child. The first one was Jaafar, then Bappah. You know, Ahmad loves making children and we ought to bore as much as we can for him (laughs). Things are now much better in our family.

Wattpad Tv: People used to say you are more beautiful than Humairah and so Ahmad loves you more, is that true? Tell us about it please.

Rania: (Hisses), don't mind people with their I-too-know. Humairah is beautiful and I am beautiful too. The only difference is she's a complete Nigerian while I am an Arabian - Nigerian. My skin colour is so much different and so as to my appearance but that doesn't mean I am more beautiful than her.

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