Shreksy looked at the knife and grabbed it. She Poked a small hole through her skin and fat started gushing out. She was amazed because she was fiunally skinny, but her body had strech marks on her skin. "I DONT HAVE TO WORKOUT AND GO TO THAT AWFUL GYM ANYMORE!!!" but she looked down at her feet and saw that she was standing in a pool of fat. She opened the stall door and left the bathroom feeling good.
After school, she saw Archie trying to push one of huis friends. "will he ask me out?" she thought. Now that she was skinny, she was much more comfortable with her appearance. She saw Archie appraoching her and she quickly turned around, and tries to look cool. There was a peice of toilet paper stuck to the bback of her sirk with fat and pee and she looked stupid.
"Hey." Archie paused and kept on talking. "I'm Archie." He instantly regretted doing this stupid dare. Sherksy was confused and bursting with joy and dancing and jumping around on the inside. She cleared her throat and said "The name's Sherksy." "good job, keep it up Sherksy, you sound cool" she thought. "I'm sorry for what i said before, so, will you be my girlfriend?" Archie said. "I forgive you, and yes, i will gladly be your girlfriend." Sherksy said. She flashed him a toothy grin, exposing her crooked, rotten teeth with leftover beans stuck in between from yesterday. A new layer of food was added in between her teeth from this morning, from when she had broccoli for breakfast. noW hER tEeeTH had a variety of colours in betwEeeENN!!!!!!!!!!!
Betty and Jughead suddenly waLked up to Sherksy, still in heaven. Jughead complimented Sherksy, saying that she was hot. "You, babeyeye, are so fuking hAwTTTTTTT that you could cook beans over your skin like a stove," Jughead said in a 6ey voice. Betty immediately picked thoses words up and pUnCHeD Jughead square in the aSSss!!!!!!!!!!11! Sh e raged so much she teleported the fat Sherksy poked out earlier and put it into a minecraft splash potion bottle. She threw the bottle straight at Sherksy, but Jughead, Archie and Josie took the hit. Almost immediately, they started inflating with fat!!!!!!! oH nOOOOO!!o1o!!!!111!!!
Jughead was swearing at Betty saying it was OVER, Archie didn't have a 1000 pack anymore it just turned to FAT and Josie was screaming CAZZOOOOOOOOO! wait............. a drop of fat hit bEEtttY!!!! Her ass inflated! Betty hated Jughead now! NO MORE BUGHEAD WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Sherksy was happy but not for Archie her Boyfriend she poked a hole in Archie's 1000 pack, his 1000 pack WAS BACK LADIES!
Sherksy and Archie went to Oven 360 to eat a fat PIZZA! The ordered a bAcOn PIZZA with strawberries and beans... Archie made a move and KISSED SHERKSY! SHERKSY WAS SO HAPY THAT SHE FARTED OUT OF HER SEAT! aRCHIE began to lose consciousness, as the fart smell was overwhelming!?!?!!!!!!> Luckily, Sherksy notyiced and gRaBbed Archie out of the seat and farted into space with him!!!!!!! How lucky is Archie?? He got a free trip to space with his love!!!!!!!!!!! Even if there is no oxygen, Archie's XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL eyebrows served just fine as an oxygen helmet.
Back on Earth, with the rest of the gang, they rest pondering about this newfound fAt.
HumorSherk has a child named Sherksy, she has no friends, her parents hate her and she is UGLY! Will Sherksy get help?