When Sherksy woke up she, brushed her teeth, washed er face and ate breakfasst. She had worms, dirt and beans. Sherksy's dad woke up and asked her whats she's doing her (in a mean way). She sreplied with "I'm going to the gym." Her dad smild a bit then waLked awAy. STOMP STOMP STOMP.
When Sherksy arrived at the gym, there were multicoloured lights leaking out of the ceiling and walls. There was loud music coming from the inside, and some screeching. A bIG, BUff, HeaVy dOOOD busted the front door down and stomped towards Sherksy. Sherksy was qUaKinG. How could there be somebody just as big as her, but not as fat?!?!??!!?
The big duouuude turnexd out to be named Hagrid. He stopped inches away from Sherksy, and HONKED HIS NOSE SO LOUD IT WAS LOUDER THAN THE MUSIC!!!!!! A big, fat juicy booger slid out from his nose and screamed: "HAGRID, WHY HAVE I BEEN SUMMONED!??!!?!???!?!?!?!?!!?!?" "THAT'S BECAUSE ME GOT MESELF A NEW CHALLENGER>!!!>!!!! LOOK AT THIS LAD IN FRONT OF MEh!!!!!! SO BIG, SO JUICY!!!!!"
The booger looked at Sherksy in approval. "Alright, me lad, me shall lead ye into the gym. Yer better watch out, this gym is only for the BUffEsT!!!!! Ye look bUfF enough to me, welCOmE!" So then, Sherksy entered the gym, and instantly, her ears and eyeys were attacked. There were BIG, BUFf dOOOOoOODS who were stRipPing in front of her very eeys. The bIGGg doOdes were on a stage, in the centre of the gym, sCcREEEAming and Everything wass fUcKeD up, but in the corner, Ranby was dancing and being a SINGLE PRINGLE.
Then Sherksy saw the HAWT BOI, aka Archie Pandrews! She was SCREAMING, JUMPING and FARTING! She totally forgot about WORKING OUT when she saw Archie. Archie saw Sherksy, he started screaming to her: "COME ON STAGE, COME ON STAGE!". Sherksy was so hApPy! She used FART POWER to get on stage! Then... Archie got his guitar started playing, 2 minutes later... HE WAS SLAMMING HIS GUITAR ON SHERKSy, PERFOMINH AN EPICCCCCCC A DRUM SOLO BUT ON A FAT GRIL! Sherksy was very SAD she HOPPED off stage and RAN HOME!
Sherksy was so sad, she didn't think her crush would do that. When Sherksy was home she did a drawing of BUFF ARCHIE, it was a okay drawing even though he was gReEn, then there was a note on the drawing saying: I wanna die, I hate my life, Archie is a asshole but... I like him! Sherksy didn't know how to feel , a part of her wanted to forgive Archie but, she knew in her head it wasn't the right thing to do.
1 hour later: Sherksy's parents got home from a meeting about... SHERKSY! They were mad that she went to the BUFFIEST GYM for the BUFFIEST people, they were SCREAIMNG AND YELLING. Sherksy was DONE WITH LIFE, she wanted to kill herself and to make things WORSE tomorrow is school! Will Sherksy survive school ?
HumorSherk has a child named Sherksy, she has no friends, her parents hate her and she is UGLY! Will Sherksy get help?