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**Talk of Self Harm**

Y/N was a newly graduated middle schooler who dreamed of attending UA High. She applied for the test at her middle school about two months ago. Today she was going to receive her letter from UA. She had no intensions of getting her hopes up because she felt no self esteem, but like a child she was very excited and couldn't wait to receive her letter in hope she would get accepted. Although, being herself, as soon as she thought about that ray of glimmering hope, she found herself swallowing a pill of reality and sadness that she just wasn't as good a hero as most kids probably were in Japan.

She hadn't slept at all the night before, she was too anxious. Now awake on six cups of coffee, she ran downstairs ready to take on the day with her H/L C/H hair down and flowing behind her, she ran outside and checked the mail before the mailmen had even left. She grabbed everything in the mailbox along with the brown box package that she didn't even know who was for. She ran inside and threw the package on the table.

"Careful!" her mother tsked and sighed as she looked at her daughter who seemed too happy to be getting the letter. She didn't want her to be hurt if she didn't get into UA.

Throwing the other letters on the floor around her, she finally got to hers. It was in a white envelope with blue letters outlined by white reading "UA" across the top of the envelope. Just underneath it was addressed to her. Y/N tore it open quickly and the smile on her face slowly turned into a sickened expression that could only say one thing: She was denied into her dream school.

Y/N ran upstairs into her room disregarding her mother's call. She didn't want to talk to anyone. All she wanted to do was cry and sleep. She closed her eyes and cried. She didn't want it to stop, she just let it go, tears rolling down her cheeks, she fell asleep and woke up later that night.

When Y/N woke up she looked around the room and then it came to her what had happened before. Tears burned her red eyes and stung her raw cheeks. She took her hoodie sleeve and dried up her wet face.

Don't cry. You expected this Y/N, don't be so upset. She told herself but that didn't help anything,

She picked up her phone and clicked it to see the time. It was 3:29 AM. She watched her phone turn to 3:30 AM before going downstairs with earbuds in her ears blasting music. She opened her fridge and saw a container with a sticky note on it. I know you'll be hungry when you wake up :) - Love Mom Inside was a box full of wontons and noodles, Y/N's favorite dish whenever she got upset. She heated the food up quietly and then sat down with her food at the table. It was dark and the only light was that from her phone. She was looking at Pintrest and taking bites of wonton at the same time. After a few bites, she got up to get something to drink. She opened the refrigerator and reached for some tea but stopped whenever she saw some Sake that hadn't been touched in a few weeks. Her hand drifted towards the acholic beverage hesitantly.

If grown people, including my mom, drink whenever they get sad, then why shouldn't I? She grabbed the drink and a glass.

She poured a little in the cup. She picked it up and put it to her lips. So she couldn't stop herself before it was over, she tilted her head quickly and let it pour down her throat.

Not bad. Y/N thought pouring another glass. Which became another. And that became another.

Once she stopped she looked up and saw that everything was blurry. Her head ached a little and she could see spots.

Uh oh. I've done it this time...

Y/N left the food on the table but put the Sake back in the fridge. She grabbed the earbud cord and yanked them out of her ears. She held onto her phone as she climbed the stairs and made it to her room staggering a little. She practically fell onto the bed. Trying to keep her mind straight, she looked at a single spot on the ceiling. Her eyes closed and she fell asleep until 6:00 AM.

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