What's His Problem?

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-A Week Later-

Finally the last bell rang! You grabbed your bag, ran to your locker, finished up there are met Todoroki outside of the school buildings. He turned and looked at you.

"Hey, Y/N. Remember, we are training tonight at 6:00 PM. Please do not be late and have finished any needed activities before the time."

"Yeah yeah, Shoto. I get it. I'll finish up work and meet you..."

"That deserted ally we met each other in." He slightly smiled before walking away.

Before you knew it, you were running home at 5:03 to change and drop off your bags before meeting up with Todoroki. Well, and grab your preparations. As you ran inside your mom laughed and set a sandwich on the table. You changed into a black long sleeve and put on a windbreaker over it. Of course, you put some jeans on. Lastly, and most importantly, you grabbed a belt out of your closet. You made it yourself but you had confidence in it. You grabbed some of your favorite fantasy books off the shelf and put them in the slots specially made for you and your quirk. In the special, biggest pocket of your belt, this one in your center, you put your D&D: Players Guide Handbook, which took you forever to save up for. That, surely, would give you some success.

As you walked downstairs, you ate the sandwich and smiled eagerly at your mom as she walked behind you and tied your [h/l] [h/c] into a ponytail and made sure any pieces of hair would be put back, therefore it wouldn't get in your way. You thanked her after finishing your sandwich.

As you ran outside you grabbed your skateboard which you got last year for your sixteenth birthday. As you skated up to the spot where Todoroki asked you to meet, you checked your watch.

"Twenty minuets early." You said with a smirk. You took out your phone and connected to the city wifi to listen to some music. "hmm..." You mumbled as you scrolled through songs.

You smirked as you played "Whatever It Takes" by Imagine Dragons. In three minuets and twenty one seconds, the song ended and you chose "Back in Black" by AC DC, because the old school songs were absolutely amazing in your opinion. However, before the song could end, only about half-way through, Todoroki walked up and looked at you surprised.

"Hello, [y/n]."

"Hey, Shoto! I thought I'd get here early so we can practice extra. The exam is coming up and I wanna - I gotta - get in."

"Very well." He readied himself.

You carefully, but confidently, waited for his first attack. Just like you had planned, he shot ice across the wall to hit you on the side. You jumped to the side and made your first attack. You remembered what you had read from one of the book that lay in your belt. You created what was supposed to be fictional lightning bolts in between your hands and shot three from your fingertips. You aimed them at his feet not wanting to actually hurt him. Getting shot full of lightning is actually dangerous. Instead he had already run and slid down the ice to get a close shot at you.

Dang it! You thought. There was no avoiding him, only stopping him.

From another story you drug a guard dog who barked at Todoroki and bit and him. He winced a little at the unexpected blow before freezing the dog in ice. But in that time you had enough time to distance yourself. You touched one of the books and started materializing a pack of wolves. Your hair flew at the magic and you burst a small pack of eleven wolves at your friend.

In response, he ran towards them, while they were at him, and froze them into spikes at you, which unbalanced you. Todoroki took the time to get to you, and out spread his hand. Half to help you up and the other half to show that he easily won that battle.

 Half to help you up and the other half to show that he easily won that battle

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"You're quirk is extremely powerful and has great potential. But, it also depends a lot on strategy. Especially now."

"What do you mean 'especially now'" you asked getting up and catching your breath.

"When you explained it to me, you compared your quirk to mana from an rpg, mmorpg, or any basic video game that uses spells. You can create things that only end when the imagination ends, but, it only works when it has been forged in ink and when you have enough power to create it. You can create several small things but the bigger the creation gets the harder it is to summon them."

"Yeah...So what you want me to get is that I need to learn to ration out my energy and ability than only using it to try and take my opponent out in one go. It's about learning where and how to hit them and not how hard I hit them."


You smiled and got ready to try again. Todoroki smiled back and prepared for another fight.

-forty two minuets later-

You were slowly skateboarding home listening to "Ride" by Twenty One Pilots. You'd been listening to them a lot recently.

Then, in a flash of an instant, you were on the ground rubbing your bleeding knee.

"What the-? Where'd the bus come from?" You said as you looked up.

The sun behind him made his face unseeable at first, but then you saw a teenage boy your age with blond spikey hair and a condescending look on his face.

Why is he looking at me like I'm a documentary on how hotdogs are made-

Why is he looking at me like I'm a documentary on how hotdogs are made-

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Then, this seemingly handsome guy was reaching hand out towards you. You reached to grab it but instead he just scooted you aside.

"What? Did you think I was trying to help you up? I was moving you out the way since you were in it, you freaking[don'tjudgemeidon'tcursejustreaditlikeyouknowbakugouwouldsayit] dumb extra filling the street. What a weakling. You're the kind of people I'm gonna have to save when I become the new number one hero." Then he looked directly into your eyes, he had these really intriguing crimson ones that you found stunning besides everything he had just said. "So be grateful you got to be touched by the great Bakugou."

Then he strut off past you as you got up and skated away. "He's way too hot. That's why his personality is like that. You can't have everything! Hahaha!"

You made it home and the first thing your mom asked was how heated the training got if your knee was bloodied up.

"Do I need to have a word with Todoroki-San?!"

"No!" You laughed as you put a piece of hair behind your ear and smiled. "No it wasn't Shoto who gave me that. It was, 'The Great Bakugou." You laughed and slightly blushed.

He was pretty cute. Too bad I'll never see him again.

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