Natural Born Winners

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//I know this is annoying, but I'm changing the POV from second to first, which will switch between the characters. Thanks, k bye.\\


I couldn't let him distract me, him or Todoroki. Not that I liked Shoto, but I still felt pressured in front of him. Tch. I hate you, Bakugou.

I walked up to the lane and looked quickly to my side before I let the machine count down all the way. A boy who looked like he owned the sun itself, was prepared to take off. I had already prepared what I'd do, it was a matter if this guy can top it.

His quirk, I had no idea, but when the machine said, "1!" I made a skateboard appear before me, only this board had a small engine on it. Yeah, that's so cheesy and stupid, but it was used by my favorite protagonist: Scarlet, from the book When Fire Burns Water. //Not a real book\\ She made me want a skateboard. She reminded me of myself but better. Her skateboard was legit, so why not use it now?

I was across the line in 03.2 seconds, which was quite fast. The other kid had pushed himself forward with air, and was faster than me, but he used too much and fell down face first. So he crossed the line at 03.42 seconds.

I honestly would have felt bad, but, I was determined to win.

After everyone had finished, I walked with the group, glaring determined ahead. As we were brought to the next test, I looked over at Shoto, who had been standing with the other classmates, he was looking at the whole group and less of me, probably trying to weigh the likelihood of me getting in.

"Grip Strength." Sensei Aizawa said blankly, gesturing for everyone to take the device.

I gulped, I couldn't use my quirk for this one. I haven't ever tried to give myself super-human things, only make certain things. It's not quite possible either. That's why I've always been so confused about my quirk. Humans adapted, our bodies changed, we didn't get superpowers, but quirks.

My quirk was more like a superpower than anything, and it didn't really make any sense.

I squeezed the machine and hoped that my physical training would be enough to suffice.

I closed my eyes before looking at the results. 48kg. I sweat a little.

Next: Long Distance Jump.

I thought, I needed something to propel me forward. A laser? Sure! That'll work!

From my hands a faint red light, and then a red lighted laser shot from my hands the longest distance I could go pacing myself.

"Dang." I heard a few kids say to themselves after I finished.


Wha-What was-

Does that cute, h/c haired girl have my quirk? I- No- Can't be.

Is that what it's supposed to look like?

That emptiness inside me is growing again...I kinda want to cry-

No. A hero should smile, like All Might!




Side to Side jumping was a relief and I was able to do really well on that one, too.

Now it was time to throw a ball. Apparently, some kid in Class  1-A was able to get 705 meters, and another 704. How was I supposed to top that?! You don't need to top that you just need to hold your ground to the others and top them.

I had no idea, even with the extra time to think as I was last and now in that circle and feeling the pressure.

"The explosion was bright and bold like herself, Scarlet, and it pushed her back to her friends with its overwhelming force."

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