Am I Lucky or Cursed?

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Since your encounter with Bakugou, you couldn't get him off your mind. But, you completely forgot about him when you were training. The audition was only three days away. You took the days of your summer school off and took off your job this past week and only trained. You worked out, sparred with Todoroki, and learned how to strategize even against someone as powerful as Shoto.

You were at the local gym, that was free of course, so it was filled with a lot of people. You were punching a punching bag in the back of the gym. Some guys who were older than you were there punching away, and checking you out since you were only in sweatpants and a sports bra. You were steadily punching away listening to "Sarcasm" by Get Scared, which was on a playlist with a bunch of other songs. You were vibing and having your moment with the bag mumbling to yourself.

"Grateful? To be touched by you? Why? Just 'cause you're hot and you get girls' minds stuck on you? Then take this!" You gave "him" one in "his" "gut."

You felt a hand on your shoulder which surprised you. You turned. "Shoto?" You said before seeing it was one of the guys who were also training out.

"Shoto? Is that your boyfriend? You should ditch him and come with me."

"No thanks. And he's just a friend."

"Oh yeah? Then who is your boyfriend? Don't tell me a hot thing like you is single!"

You pointed to the punching bag replying, "This is my boyfriend and we're very happy together."

"Tch. I could treat you better than a punching bag-"

"Yeah but when I punch this one it doesn't cry."

"I wouldn't cry."

You punched his jaw in an uppercut format. You knew you wouldn't get in trouble. There was no direct sight from the other part of the gym and the other guys in there weren't snitches. You kinda counted on that last one to be true.

He winced as he rubbed his jaw. His eyes watered slightly as he rubbed his chin.

"I think you broke my jaw!"


"How would you know, you ditch! (I use improvised cursing you'll see it later throughout the story.)"

"I bruised the bone at most." You looked past him at his friend who was a laughing mess.

"You broke it! I'm sure!"

"If I wanted to break it - or fracture it - I would have hit it harder." You crossed your arms and started coldly into his watering eyes. "You're just a pussycat."

"Meow!" His friend shouted and laughed harder.

"Shut up!" The idiotic guy said walking away to his friend.

As they were walking out of the labeled boxing section, he turned and mouthed to you, "I'll get you for this." You shrugged and continued hitting the bag, resuming your music, and getting lost in thought again, but this time not about Bakugou.

You punched the bag again and again, sweat rolling down your face and you huffed as you tried to steady your breath. You had only thought about getting into UA, never about failing again. You looked at the bag and the round-house kicked it.

No. You told yourself. You can't let the feelings of doubt get to you. It's only because you're so close to the test.

For the whole time you had no doubts, you would be the one out of the nine. It wasn't an option to not make it, the only option, was to win. You meant that.

You stopped for a minuet and ripped the earbuds out your ears.

"AGGGHH!" You yelled as if attacking a real person and punched the bag as hard as you could.

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