More Letters. Good Letters.

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After the encounter, Y/N found a small part-time job as a cashier at an old antique shop. She wasn't getting payed much, only 700 yen per hour. (That's seven dollars an hour in American money.) 

She worked eight hours a day and still juggled school, which made her even more stressed.

After two weeks of receiving the letter, Y/N had pretty much gotten over her rejection and had moved on, but now, on xx/xx/xx, she received yet another letter from UA, which she this time opened leisurely and calmly.

Regarding Y/N,

You along with 8 others have been chosen to take another test in order to enter into UA Highschool Academy. It will be a physical audition. A spot has opened up in class 1-A due to details that will be shared on xx/xx/xx. Please meet us at UA academy. Thank you. We hope to see you then.


Her eyes lit up and she ran in to tell her mom. Her mom was hugging her and crying.

"I knew my baby could do it!"

"M-Mom!" Y/N said laughing, crying a little too. "I haven't gotten accepted yet!"

"But you will! I know you will!"

She laughed and told her mother that she was heading to school early to inform the counselors if they didn't already know.

On her way, she saw Todoroki. So, you waved to him excitedly. He waved a little too, smiling slightly. She had come to understand Todoroki was closed off and not very emotional, but she didn't mind, in fact, he showed more emotion to Y/N than anyone else she had ever seen him with.

 She had come to understand Todoroki was closed off and not very emotional, but she didn't mind, in fact, he showed more emotion to Y/N than anyone else she had ever seen him with

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"You look happy, Y/N. I haven't seen you smile like that since I said I would buy you wontons." He was so monotone it made her laugh.

"Yeah- but-" She handed him the letter. Y/N never brought UA up before because there was no need but now..

Shoto read it and looked at her in a moment. "You're looking to attend UA, Y/N?"

"Yeah...I got rejected a few months ago..."

"That's disappointing, but you have a chance now. I will be attending UA, gratefully." He smiled again.

She gazed at him in awe. "Amazing, Todroki-San!"

He looked back at the paper. "xx/xx/xx is only month from now. You should hardcore train if it really is physical like they say."

"Trust me, I will."

"Would you like me to help you, Y/N?"

"That would be great! Thanks, Shoto!"

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"That would be great! Thanks, Shoto!"

"Of course."

"This is going to be hard to handle though. Between school, work, and training, I won't have time for anything!" She laughed, snickering.

"Work?" He looked slightly concerned. "You're only a middle schooler, why are you working?"

Y/N looked at the ground. "We gotta make ends meet somehow..."

"O-Oh..." He said.

She smiled trying to recover the mood.

Todoroki knew Y/N was poor but not to that extent.

Soon, they were standing in front a long, long, gate that stretched out across two schools. They were both separated by a fence going in between, however, this fence was made of white, clean planks. The first school was huge, glamorous, and looked very expensive. That was Shoto's school. The second was old and run down. It looked as if it were surviving by the government's help. That was Y/N's school.

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