Flowers in the Winter

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Flowers bloom in the spring and only occasionally in the winter. The ones that grow in winter are sturdier than those made in spring. They have to be. So if I were a flower, I'd have been bloomed in winter. Because I thought I could withstand anything.

Until I learned how easy it was to be uprooted.

I'm so angry and sad at that pathetic excuse for a guy: Bakugou.

I'm laying on my bed after my first official day at UA High. I had told my mother everything, she was proud, I am still so tired. Too tired. Too tired to think as energized as I want to. I really don't want to fall asleep, since it's only 8:21 PM, but my eyelids feel so heavy, I don't think I can help it.

Okay...I'll close my eyes for a little while and fall asleep...


Or not.


Ugh. They're fighting again and so loud, too.

"I'm so glad I signed a prenup with you!"

"Why?! Are you gonna divorce me?!"

"Maybe, woman!"

Oh crap, that's the third threat this week. Who would I choose? Mom...I know mom more. Although her gambling is getting out of control.


"Look, our daughter is probably listening to us right now, fight about money, even after all the stress we put on her."


"I don't want to hear it, she's fifteen, she's smart enough to know-"

"She's sixteen, Jeena."

"All of the highschoolers here are fifteen-"

"We moved here from America, she's sixteen."


...Dad. I'd go with dad.

"Okay, Martin, I'm going to take a long bath, please don't disturb me, I'll be out in an hour in a half or so, please make yourself useful."

"...An hour and a ha- Okay. Thanks..."

"Gosh...I can't believe this is real. I'm a UA Freshman!" Eh. I shouldn't worry about them, I've got a new opportunity to look at.

Knock knock knock knock


"It's your father, Y/N!"

"Oh!! The door's unlocked."

I love my dad.

3rd POV

"Hey honey." Y/N's dad said while looking at her sadly. As if he knew something awful she didn't.

"Wassup?" She said smiling in an obviously good mood.

"I'm sure you heard us downstairs."

"Oh yeah...all of it."

He smiled at her, not exactly knowing what to say, just trying to slow the ever spreading gap in between them.

"Look, Y/N, I'm sorry. I know that we aren't nearly as close as we used to be when you were younger, but we need the money...badly...and work keeps me from being a good dad. I'm so-"

She didn't hesitate. Y/N grabbed her father hugging him trying to help him feel better as a failing father. "Don't- Don't say that dad! You're amazing! Without you I couldn't be in UA!"

"I just feel like I've wronged you. In a way that can't be helped and I wish there was a way...a way to be your dad again and not just some man that you know." Her father said backing away after hugging his daughter. "I can't help but feel as though I could do more yet everything else says that I can't."

"Hey dad,"

"What, Tinkerbell?"

You laughed a little. He's called you that since age four since Tinkerbell was always making things. "You're the best dad I've ever seen. Besides, look at me, I think I'm doing okay for a 16-year-old American girl going to a prestigious school for heros. I know I couldn't have done that without a dad."

He smiled, genuinely. "I got it Tinkerbell. Now tell me about that dream of a place UA."


And so I told him everything. Well...everything except for the bad*** blond boy with a temper worse than Donkey Kong. I conveniently left out all of the parts where I thought endlessly about him and stared at him and especially the part where he assaulted me after school...ugh...he's so hot...

Now it was around 9 and I was ready for bed. So I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and got in bed. Just as I was about to go to sleep, my phone dinged. I picked it up and saw that Shoto had messaged me. So I grabbed my phone lazily and began to type out a response.

Todoroki: Congratulations, Y/N. I told you the training would pay off.

Todoroki: :)

Todoroki: Sorry, I'm not sure how you read that but I am excited for you.

Me: Lmbo yeah I know. I am tired tho so Imma head to bed. Thank you for everything Shoto, really, it means the world, moon, and stars. This is a dream come true, even if you aren't number one yet, you are an amazing hero.

Todoroki: Goodnight. You're welcome.


I feel...happy. Ew this is weird.

//Sorry for this short chapter, I didn't have a lot of time since I was dealing with Hurricane Laura, so I will be doing a crap ton better now that I can be focused again. Also, please note that her mom isn't a bad person and her parents only fight about her mom's gambling addiction and something else that I will reveal later in the story. The next few chaps I wanted to focus on romance and thus her home-life will have to wait a while, I don't want her mom to seem bad for all that time though. Thanks bye ppl.//

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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