Chapter 1

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"Oh. My. God!" My best friend Kiara screamed in to my phone.

"I know right!" I had just found out that I got two VIP tickets to our Favorite band, Marianas Trench, I still couldn't believe it.

"So who you taking?"

"Oh, probably just Derek or someting" Haha lets see what she'll say about that.

"WHAT? But Derek doesn't even like them, I can't belie-"

"DUDE, i was just kidding, of course I'm taking you."

" Oh, ok i'll talk to you later then bye bestie."


I hung up the phone and went to the kitchen to make myself a lunch, I was so exited about the tickets that I just forgot that I need food to survive. Kiara had to be the second biggest trencher in all of Vancouver (except me), she even has a cardboard cut-out of Josh in her bedroom. Allright, lets see what i have in the fridge, pizza, bread, BINGO, theres the left over pie, it was Thanksgiving last night and im trying to gain wait, im as skinny as a twig, some of my friends even think I have an eating disorder, thats how skinny I am. 

"Try a little more, little more, little more,

They slap you like a bitch and you take it like a whore,

Up side down and a round a round, 

Just a nother piece till you need another sound."  My phone was ringing in the living room.

"Hey girlie." My other BFF, Heather said.

"Oh, hey, guess what?"

"You bought a pig and your moving to Texas?" She was so weird sometimes.

"Yah, and your coming with me, but seriosly, guess what?"


"I just got VIP tickets to Marianas Trench!" I hope she doesn't ask if she could come, not that i don't like her, but I already promised Kiara that I would bring her to the concert.

"Cool, who are you bringing?" Damn it, now I'm going to feel bad for not inviting her.

"Oh, uh, Kiara." I said cautiously.

"Sweet, she going to be so excited, well I have to go, I'm meeting Cassidy at the mall, you should come."

"Yah sure I'll meet at The Bay in twenty?"

"Sure, see ya then, kiss, kiss"

"God, you can be so weird, c u, c u, lmnop u."

She hung up with a laugh.  I went to my closet to find something to wear when I realized I didn't have anything clean to wear to the mall so i put on an old T-shirt, a pair of skinny jeans and my black and blue converse. I went back to the kitchen, and, as if on cue, my stomach reminded me that I was starving. 

After I ate my pie I decided to hop in the shower before I went to the mall, I live in walking distance but when your shopping with Heather and Cassidy, you never know how many bags you'll come home with. God I am so exited for this concert, Their new album, Ever After, just came out so they'll ovbioulsy be playing some new songs. Damn, now I'm going to be late, I really have to work on being on time. I locked up the apartment and set out to find my car. Once I got to the parking lot I realized that I would have to make up a story to Cassidy about why I cant come to her birthday (it's on the same day as the concert). 

When I finally got to the mall we went to a few stores, our final stop was West 49, where I ran in to someone that I was quite surprised to see.

---------I know its short but its just an opener---------

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