Chapter 2

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There, standing right in front of me was my high school friend who I have slowly lost touch with over the last few years. And holding her hand was the one and only, Mike Ayley


"Omigod! Rya?"

I couldn't beleive what was going on here. I knew she liked them, but since when was she going out with FRICKEN MIKE AYLEY? She could have at least put it on her face book or twitter accounts but what ever, I should talk to her and see what was going on in her life.

"Hey, it's been so long, how's it going?" I asked

"Oh nothing much, this is-" She started but I had to finish for her.

"Mike Ayley, you always said you would be with him one day." I let out a laugh on a whim.

"Really, you said that about me?" Mike said while obviously trying to hold back laughter.

Zoe was obviously blushing as she attempted at burying her face in Mikes chest, unfortunately it didn't work, she did, however manage to stammer out a few quiet words. "Yep, I did."

That's when Mike lost it, he couldn't keep it in any longer. His laugh is so loud and booming I think it scared Cassidy! Speaking of which, I should probably get going. My thoughts were interrupted by Mike, again.

"Hey, why don't you come for a coffee with us, Rya?" He said still a little bit of laughter in his voice.

"Heather, Cassidy, I'll call you guys later, I'm grabbing a coffee with Mike and Zoey, K?"

"Alright, um see you later." I could tell Heather was a bit disappointed but I'll text her later and apologize.

Once I went back to my apartment and put my bags away, I met Zoey ad Mike at the Starbucks a few blocks away, I decided to walk because I figured it might take a while for Mike to get ready, his hair wasn't in his usual mow hawk, it was down and curly, kinda like how it was before Masterpiece Theatre came out. As I was walking I recognized a few faces, none of which I wanted to talk to but I still recognized, them. Some of the people I thought had moved to other cities and provinces but, nonetheless, they were still back in Vancouver, of all places. I still can't believe that Zoey ended up with Mike Ayley of all people, I mean I knew they knew each other, from various mutual friends but I didn't think that she would date him. When I walked up to Starbucks, they where already there, I guess it doesn't really take him that long to do his hair. Whatever, I should stop worrying about Mike's hair and start worrying about reconnecting with Zoey. It early June, so I settled on a strawberry smoothie and got us a table near the back, I didn't feel like having any obsessed fan girls fangirling all around us, so I got Mike to sit in the most disguised seat in there, surprisingly it worked, nobody came up and asked him for a picture or an autograph or anything the whole time we were there. We talked about what happened after high school, how they met, and just overall catch up conversation. It was fun, after the coffee, Zoey had to go to work and Mike had to record some stuff for the new album. We all exchanged phone numbers and went our own separate ways. I was lonely once I got back home, so I decided to call Kiara to tell her what had just happened. 

"Hey, guess who I just ran into at the mall?" I asked trying to keep my excited meant from boiling over.

"Ummmmm William Shatner?" What a complete dork.

"No, actually I ran into my old high school friend and her boyfriend..."

"Who? Who? Who?"

"Oh, just Michael Ayley." I said sounding very nonchalant about it.

"NO WAY!" She screamed.

"Yep and now I have his number."

"UM WOW. When did this all happen?" She asked a little over excited, her favourite band member is Matt, not Mike, but what ever, he's still part of the band.

"It's not like I got Matt's number, right?" I said lingering on Matt's name.

"Ya, ya, whatever, I'm grabbing a bite to eat, wanna come?"

"No thanks, I think I'm going to take a nap." I wasn't lying either, I was really tired.

"Alright, well see ya later." She sounded sad, but I really needed sleep.

I woke up a few hours later by banging on the door, loud, anxious banging on the door.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming!" I yelled, sounding pissed, which was good because I kinda was.

Surprisingly it was Mike, I checked the clock, it was already seven pm! Damn, I knew I had slept, but I didn't realize I had slept for that long! Wait, I never gave Mike my address, what was he doing here?

"Mike? What are you doing here? How did you even get my address?" I asked, maybe a little too worried.

"Um, its on your Facebook profile, I promiss I'm not a stalker!" Man, he was too cute. But he's with Zoey!

"Ooh, alright, you are forgiven, wanna come in?"

"Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to go out for a drink?" OMG did Mike seriously just ask me out? On a date? When he has a girlfriend? "With the rest of the guys and Zoey?"

OK, now it makes more sense, it was a group thing, with the rest of the band. "Oh, who's coming?"

He laughed, maybe a bit to loud, but still, he laughed. "Ian, Matt, Josh and Kevvy."

Wow, that's EVERYONE and Kevvy Mental too!!! "Uh, sure." I stuttered. "Do you want to come in and wait while I get ready?"

"Sure, how long will it take? Hopefully under a half hour." He joked, but was still right.

"Yeah I just have to put my makeup on and get dressed, oh I should also do something with my hair too." I had just woken up from a four hour nap, I think my hair might need a bit of help if you know what I mean.

"K well don't take too long." He said somewhat impatiently. Whatever, I'm sure there's other places he'd rather be besides at my apartment watching TV and waiting on me getting ready. I'll be sure to hurry just for him. I decided on wearing a neon pink skirt with a long sleeve black lace shirt with a white tank top underneath, that should be ok for a night out on the town. For my make up, I decided on red lips, mascara and smokey eyes, I curled my hair and put some hairspray on it, just to make sure it doesn't come undone. I checked the clock 7:25, right on time, actually, I was early. I walked out just as Mike was getting up from the couch.

"WOW, you look great!" He exclaimed. He though I looked pretty, and that's coming from a frigging ROCK STAR!

"Thanks, are you ready to go?" He asked, fidgeting with his jacket.

"Sure, I just have to grab my phone and jacket, I'll meet you outside." I said, stuttering a little on outside.

"Yeah, sure."

The car ride seemed longer than it was, it was sort of embarrassing to sing along to the radio when Haven't Had Enough came on, seeing as he was in the band, so i turned it up to disguise my singing. He realized and turned it down to ask if I was into the band. Haha, wait till he hears my answer.

"You could say I'm a fan, yes. Your guys' music was my saving, I was going through a really tough time when Fix ME came out, so I kept listening to the album and slowly, it helped me get out of my rut. You guys were my role models for so long, you still are, I just hope that knowing this doesn't put us in an awkward position." I know we had just met but I feel like we had known each other for a lifetime, like I could open up to him about anything. like a best friend or a sister. (Ha ha, just like the Celebrity Status video.)

"Wow, I'm surprised you said that. Trust me, it doesn't put me in us in an awkward position, it make me feel closer to you. I like that, it seems like we're going to be spending a lot of time together."

In no time at all, we were at the bar to meet up with the rest of the guys.

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