Chapter 3

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After about three beers I felt a bit more comfortable around the guys, Zoey helped with that too, reminding me that they ARE just normal guys who happen to be crazy good at music. They were all really nice  to, Ian was an awkward smart-ass like in the behind the scenes videos, Mike was quiet but nice as always, Matt was just plain AWKWARD, but he was also just so adorable!!! Then there's Josh, he was so cute and funny, I think he was being a bit flirtatious but I'm not complaining, he seemed a bit depressed about Amanda but once he got comfortable with me, we were laughing like old friends. I didn't think it would be this easy to talk to him, I mean it was like he wasn't even a celebrity, it was like he was still in that little known punk rock band from Vancouver. 

"Rya, want another drink, I'm buying this round." Slurred a drunk Matt.

"No, I'm good, I have to do some stuff tomorrow." I managed to hold in a smirk at the thought of me actually doing something after all these drinks.

~~~~~An hour Later~~~~~

"Well, I've been a fan of you since Fix Me, so I guess its been a wh-" I began but got cut off by Josh's kiss. I wasn't expecting it but I didn't pull away.

**Josh's P.O.V.**

Man, this girl was incredible, she was cute, funny, she seemed smart and I think I she was getting a little flirtatious with me, wait was she? I couldn't tell but I think she was. I knew my time was running out and I had to make a move, this was it, it was now or never. She started talking but I didn't pay attention to what she was saying, instead I just took my chances and kissed her!

The kiss literally set off fireworks inside me, it  was amazing, she didn't pull away, instead she kissed me back! She actually kissed me back, it started to get more passionate, this is it, I'm in love with this girl that just showed up in my life just an hour ago. I thought things were going great, until she pulled away.

**Rya's P.O.V.**

I started to wonder if I should be kissing him, yeah the kiss was amazing, yeah sparks were flying, I just hope he felt the same way. I felt myself pull away, I couldn't do it anymore I had to leave no matter how many drinks I had, I had to leave, it was too embarrassing. Josh gave me a questioning look as I wrote down my number and threw it on the table before leaving the bar. First I had to say bye to Zoey and the guys though.

"Why are you leaving so early?" Mike asked me, he obviously didn't see the kiss, good.

"I'm getting tired, I haven't slept in a few days." It wasn't a lie either. It's been hard to sleep, things just won't get better for me. Just then Ian pulled me for a big, drunken hug.

"Gonna miss you bro, your a pretty cool girl." Ian had so many drinks I lost track. 

"Alright well, I'll see you guys later." I said as I exited the bar.

I knew that I should've taken a bus or something but I didn't want my car to stay here over night. Let's just say it's not the best part of Vancouver. So I hopped in my car and drove to my apartment, it wasn't that long of a drive but there were so many thoughts going on inside my head that it seemed like a thousand years before I arrived at my apartment complex. As soon as I got in to my apartment my phone rang and it was a number that I didn't recognise. I answered, not relly caring who it was.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Rya, thank god you answered, I'm at your apartment complex, what florr and number are you?" Josh asked, quickly, sounding excited.

"Josh? How do you know where I live?" I asked him. I was worried at this point.

"OK, I know this might sounf kinda weird, but after you left I followed your car home - I mean to your house." He sounded kind of hurt, but I also just kind of rejected him so..

"Um, I'm in apartment 14, floor 11."

"Alright, I'll be up in a sec." There was a click and I was left in my living room, just waiting for Josh to come up.

A few minutes later, I heard a knock on my door, knowing who it was, I opened the door to find Josh and his accoustic guitar (one of his many). Instead of saying something, he guided me to my couch, signaling for me to sit down. Josh strummed the guitar a few times and started singing.

"You thought by now

You'd have it figured out

You can't erase the way it pulls

When seasons change

It hurts sometimes

To find where you begin

But you are perfect porcelain

The slow and simple melody

Of tears you cannot keep from me

It's alright if you don't know what you need

I'm right here when

You need someone to see

It's not speak

Or forever hold your peace

It's alright to take time

And find where you've been

You are perfect porcelain

The slow and simple melody

Of tears you cannot keep from me

It's alright if you don't know what you need

Oh, when your heart releases, 

You won't fall to pieces

You'll let those old diseases lie

Oh, and your heart releases, 

You won't fall to pieces

And your breath comes crashing in

Like perfect porcelain

The slow and simple melody

Of tears you cannot keep from me

It's alright if you don't know what you need"

This was the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me, Josh looked so cute when he sang, how could I not want him?

"Josh, I-" I started, but was soon cut off. 

*******Josh's point of view*******

That went pretty good,  I thought.

"Josh, I-"She started to talk, but I cut her off before she could finish.

"Ah-ah-ah, still my turn. Listen, Rya, even though we just met tonight I feel like I've known you for years, and I really do like you, I don't know what I was thinking back there at the bar when I kissed you, but thats the thing, I wasn't thinking, I took a chance and I hope you can forgive me if you didn't like it. But  I want you to know that I think we would be really good together. So, will you be my girlfriend?" I rambled, trying to find the right words to say.

She leaned in and gave me a kiss, it was even better knowing that she wanted to kiss me, she wasn't just kissing me back when I gave her a kiss, she wanted to give me a kiss because she liked me.

"Yes, Josh, I will be your girlfriend." She sounded really happy, so was I.

I picked her up, swung her around and kept on kissing her, putting her on the kitchen counter, still kissing her passionalty. All of a sudden her phone rang, completely ruining the moment.

Authors Note

So, I know it took a while, but here it is, CHAPTER 3, what do you think? Tell me in the comments or on my page!! <3

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