The Duchess

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 Lysandria paused for a moment, having forgotten the whole reason she was brought here.

"Yes, of course!" She exclaimed. Lavernia pulled a scroll out of one of the deep pockets in her coat. As she spread it open on Lysandria's bed she drew closer to it and peered at the rough handwriting. The scroll had multiple maps that were haphazardly scribbled in.

"For the past few days, we've been gathering information on what happened," Nobra explained.

"When the guards were sent after the assassin, there was almost no trace of them except for some gunpowder," Lavernia added.

"We were able to use our magic to find out what type of gunpowder it was," Nobra said.

"So where did it come from?" Lysandria asked.

Lavernia bit her lip and said, "We still don't know but the gunpowder is primarily produced in a country far from here called Leba."

Lysandria nodded along as Nobra elaborated "The problem is Leba is known for their high crime and mercenaries."

Lysandria sighed and asked, "So what's the plan?"


Lysandria tentatively walked down the stairs as she prepared herself to talk to the Duchess of Leba. When she made it to the dining room for dinner, she scanned the table for the Duchess. It wasn't hard to find her. She was sitting in the middle; both seats beside her, empty. Her hair was so short it didn't even hang and stuck out where it pleased.

She was also wearing a tunic and pants, refusing to wear the uniform dresses that everyone else did. A small glance at her face showed the deep contour of her cheeks and the pale color of her skin. She was a beauty. Lysandria was surprised she hadn't noticed her sooner. She took a seat next to the Duchess which was instantly noticed by her and others in the room.

The Duchess smiled slyly at Lysandria and tilted her head slightly in question.

"What are you doing so far from your herd little lamb?" She asked. Lysandria shivered slightly at the tone of her voice. It was menacing but it gave Lysandria a rush.

"Nothing," she responded awkwardly. The Duchess laughed loudly at Lysandria's meek response and pulled out a knife. Lysandria and some of the other girls gasped but all the Duchess did was ignore them and twirl it between her fingers. Things weren't going well for Lysandria. The first stage of the plan was to get acquainted with the Duchess but the unexpectedness of her made it hard.

Lysandria worried over how she would strike up a conversation with the short-haired beauty before Prince Acel entered the room. Everyone went silent as he smiled graciously over them all, his eyes lingering on Lysandria. He sat down and the food was served, causing conversations to start once again. Lysandria watched the Duchess eat with the same amount of grace as the rest of them. She was surprised at it which clearly showed because as Lysandria took a sip of her wine the Duchess spoke.

"What were you expecting little lamb" she inquired "a savage?" Lysandria coughed loudly on her wine, drawing some stares once again. She shook her head as she tried clearing her throat. The Duchess smiled slyly once again and took a leisurely sip of her own wine. "Don't worry I don't take offense," she sighed.

Lysandria took a hold of herself and said: "No, of course, you would have manners you're a Duchess." The Duchess's smile fell from her face at that, and she turned away from Lysandria while chugging the rest of her wine. Lysandria's eyes widened at that which the Duchess smiled at when turned back.

"I'm no Duchess," she almost growled. Lysandria nodded, eyes glued to her's.

"Then what are you?" Lysandria asked breathily. The Duchess turned away sharply, breaking the trance Lysandria was in.

"I'm Dīya," she replied before getting up and leaving. Lysandria quickly composed herself cursing the fast beat of her heart.


After Dīya had left Lysandria lost her appetite for the rest of the night. She merely stared at her plate, avoiding Prince Acel's ever-present gaze. Why had the Duchess given her those feelings? Lysandria took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She asked herself where this came from so suddenly but soon realized this wasn't the first time.

She had felt this throughout her life but just not to this extent. Lysandria was pulled out of her thoughts when Catherine tapped her shoulder.

"Come on Lysandria; everyone's leaving," she said. When Lysandria looked around herself she saw that most people had left the room including Prince Acel. "Come on, let's go," Catherine said impatiently, "I'm tired." Lysandria nodded and got up, following Catherine out of the dining room. She was ready to set up her closed sign and go to sleep, but that was thwarted by the appearance of Prince Acel waiting for her outside of the dining room.

He quickly pulled her into a secluded hallway, away from prying eyes. Lysandria almost screamed but quickly shut her mouth.

"Sorry" he apologized "are you ok?"

Lysandria nodded "I just want to go to sleep, ok?" He let go of her arm and nodded, running a hand through his hair. Lysandria sighed and gave him a sleepy smile "thanks for the sentiment, though." She gave him a hug and pulled away catching a glimpse of his surprised face before walking out of the hallway. After joining up with an irritated Catherine, Lysandria went to bed.


Lysandria woke up to light shining on her face through the window. It felt like a beautiful morning but Lysandria was feeling anything but. She went through her morning routine, taking a bath, cleaning her face, and brushing her hair. She had barely put on her uniform dress when Catherine came in.

"You just got up?" she asked with raised brows.

Lysandria nodded "Yeah, when did you get up?" she asked.

Catherine gave her an incredulous look, "At dawn of course," she responded, "but that's not the point, I'm going to spend the day with the prince!" Lysandria saw Catherine scan her face for any reaction but Lysandria shrugged.

"Yay?" Lysandria cheered half-heartedly. She was okay with this, right? She wasn't married to him so why should she care? Even though that was her thought process Lysandria still felt her heart sink a little at the news. Catherine smiled and rushed over to her vanity table, pulling out several beauty products Lysandria had never even seen until now.

Catherine had all but forgotten Lysandria so she left to eat breakfast. The room was almost empty with a few girls who had woken up as late os Lysandria. As she picked up a plate and put various foods on it, she noticed the Duchess of Liba staring at her from across the room. Lysandria felt her face heat up and silently thanked her slightly darker complexion from hiding that fact as she sharply looked back down at her plate. When she had gotten her fill, she walked out of the room and into the garden.

As she reached the center of the garden with its tables and benches she took a seat, glad to see that there were others there. As she began to eat she watched as Dīya stalked into the garden. Her eyes were trained on Lysandria the entire time, and before Lysandria knew it, Dīya was sitting across from her.

"What are you running from little lamb?" she asked with a smile. Lysandria steeled herself before responding, fighting the shiver down her spine.

"Nowhere," she said nonchalantly, trying her best to stay cool and collected.

Dīya's smile shifted as if pleased with Lysandria's attempt and asked: "So where are you from?"

Lysandria was surprised but answered her question "I'm from an island not far from here called Merl."

Dīya nodded "Never heard of it," she said, "what's it like?" Lysandria felt a thrill as she started talking about her home. She loved Merl with all of her heart, and that brought her a bit of homesickness. The two conversed for the rest of the day, Lysandria's initial nervousness completely forgotten. At lunch, they sat together and the same at dinner.

As they ate and spoke Lysandria eventually caught the gaze of Prince Acel. He looked absolutely exhausted sitting next to Catherine and the other girls. Catherine herself was clinging to his arm as if they were already engaged. Acel was obviously uncomfortable with the whole situation and that made Lysandria laugh to herself. Dīya turned to see what Lysandria was laughing at and smiled herself.

"I almost feel bad for him," Dīya sneered.

Lysandria's smile fell "He's not that bad," she retorted but Dīya shrugged.

"I just don't see the appeal," she said taking a sip of wine.

Lysandria arched a brow "Really?"

Dīya nodded "I guess you could say I'm not into people like him," she said with a sly smile.

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