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"I mean, will it even have an effect on me, being dead and all?" Eddy asked bitterly, taking one of the small glasses Brett has brought and filling it up with the clear liquid. In a way, he was envious of Brett's rosy cheeks, sparkling eyes and ability to sleep, even though he knew it was stupid.
"Dunno", Brett said, shrugging lightly while pouring him a shot and handing it to him." We'll figure it out. It can't kill you." Eddy couldn't argue with logic like that, especially seeing Brett's eager eyes anticipating him downing the shot. And he did. He always gave in to Brett.

He wasn't all that surprised when the burning sensation of the alcohol he was used from the many university parties to didn't actually hurt. It was just like the hot coffee hadn't burned his lip that morning and the pizza had felt weird in his mouth. The process of consuming food and liquids felt weird. Maybe the alcohol wouldn't have any effect on him after all? The coffee hadn't exactly woken him up like it normally would, but then again it would have to be one hell of a brew to wake the dead.
"You're not about to black out after three shots again, are you?" Eddy asked, watching Brett pour both of them another shot each. If he was, then they were always halfway there, and that would suck if the alcohol had no effect on him. He didn't really want to babysit a drunk Brett the same way he had done the last time. Brett laughed at the comment and handed him the shot glass.
"No promises, but I think I can handle it a bit better than last time", he said, clinking their glasses together and downing his shot. Eddy hesitated for a moment, but copied him.

It wasn't even fifteen minutes later before Eddy noticed there were two Bretts in front of him and that he felt a bit more giddy than he had been. He blinked a couple of times, but that didn't help at all. He snorted. "Being dead is so stuuupid, ya know?" he slurred, giggling like a little girl. "Cause your life is over but it's not? Just that people can't see you and all...""I can see you", Brett countered, leaning over the table to touch Eddy's arm. If Eddy could have blushed, he would have. He giggled instead."I know thaaat... But like everyone else. You're gonna grow tired of me eventually, don't ya think?" He ran his hand through his hair that was still as messy as it had been when Brett had woken up that morning. The thought of ending up all alone when that happened bounced through his head. What if they never found his body?"Why would I grow tired of you?" Brett's words sounded honest, and kind of like he thought of it as the stupidest thing Eddy could have possibly said. The tone made that feeling in his stomach he had felt last night return, but he tried to shove it away, reminding himself that he was actually dead."Sure, cause a ghost is such good company", he shrugged, reaching for the vodka bottle. He needed another drink. "Imma haunt you if you grow tired of me, though. Come and play your violin or something, move stuff around."Brett laughed, pouring up yet another round."Sure, you do that, Eddy", he grinned as their glasse clinked again. "Cheers!"

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