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"Are you sure? I mean... What happened at the hospital..." Eddy began, placing the sheet music back on the stand.
"God, Eddy, I'm so sorry. I don't know how much..."
"You're sorry? What do you have to be sorry for?"

They stared at each other for a bit, both hesitating.
"I should be the one apologizing, I mean, that's why you're avoiding me, right?" Eddy asked, furrowing his brows.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, do you remember that you...?"

Brett got a beautiful shade of red over his cheeks, and it made Eddy's stomach do a twist.
"The... The dream, yes," Brett said hesitatingly, pulling some hair away from his face. Had Eddy not already been dead he would have died from the sight of Brett being all flustered in front of him.

Eddy bit his lip, trying to figure out how to go about this.
"I uh... Was it... A nice dream?" he asked, but noticed how Brett gradually moved closer to his bedroom door. He froze once the question had been uttered.

"D... does it matter to you if it was?" Brett asked, but quickly shook his head, turning redder by the second. "Look, I'm sorry. I know that was weird, and I'm sorry you had to see that."

Eddy moved closer to him, now much closer than he normally would. Brett took a tiny step back, but hit the wall next to his bedroom door.

"How... How long were you awake... After...?" he asked, trying to get Brett to look him in the eye, but he refused. He didn't even know what he'd do with himself if he had heard him.

"I... I fell asleep... Immediately after. You know, from mortification," Brett stuttered, still refusing to look at Eddy. "I'm sorry, okay? It shouldn't have happened."

Brett moved his eyes up for a second, glancing over Eddy's intense gaze.
"So you didn't...?"

"I need a drink, I can't deal with this," Brett sighed, interrupting Eddy. He stepped past Eddy, and the hint of his cologne filled Eddy's nose. He smelled nice, making the echo of Eddy's heart flutter.

Moments later, Brett had gotten out a bottle of whiskey and a glass, filling it up with shaky hands and throwing it back. Eddy stared at him.
"Why, what's wrong?" he asked, grabbing a glass from where he had seen Brett find his. Brett hesitatingly filled his glass upon request, and then refilled his own.

"You don't think it's weird I had a wet dream about you? Really?" Brett asked, cheeks burning up. Eddy found himself being equally parts envious and admiring of the red cheeks.

He sipped his glass, remembering how drunk he got the last time.
"I mean uh... No?" Eddy mumbled, and if he could blush he would. "I mean... I thought I... Proved that after, but I guess you were asleep."

"What happened?" Brett asked, looking more calm now as he dumped heavily into the couch. Rddy gently slid next to him, half expecting to just fall through it.
"I... I uh... I'm not sure you want to know...?"

Brett snorted and had a big gulp of his glass.
"Can it possibly be more embarrassing than having a wet dream and cumming next to a friend?"

Eddy copied Brett's big gulp, nervous out of his mind.
"I uh... Yeah it's... Definitely more embarrassing," Eddy mumbled, running a hand through his hair. "I guess I could just... Spill all the tea while we're at it."

Brett stared at him, furrowing his brows and was it possible, Eddy would've died right there.
"What tea?" he asked, setting his glass down. "Spill it."

"I guess I... I kind of... Always..." Eddy began, but quickly shook his head. "God, it sounds wrong."
Brett raised an eyebrow, watching as Eddy struggled to find his words.

"What could possibly be worse tha..."
Eddy interrupted him by pressing his lips softly against Brett's, feeling how warn they felt compared to his. This was it, the moment he'd be doomed to an eternal afterlife of loneliness.

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