thirty seven .

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I know I say this all the time but guysss . I love your comments . I be cheesin like Megan thee Stallion reading them . 😭❤️❤️

Asami Walker

I gave Asher his space for a long time. Every time I texted or called, he'd give me an excuse as to why he couldn't see me that day. Work, he was tired, or he was just plain old busy. Before, he'd close the shop early to spend time with me or he'd call me over so we could nap together. And now it seemed like all he did was work. I was out of a job so that wasn't really an option for me. I used to be so busy, but school was winding down now so I didn't even have that to keep me occupied.

So tonight I was ecstatic when he told me he was coming by. I took a hot shower and made us something to eat before waiting on him to get here.

He had a copy of the key to my place, same way I had one of his. Hearing door jingle, I hopped up eagerly to go meet him.

"Hey!" I shouted, jumping into his arms.

He scooped me up and held me like a kid. I placed a few kisses on his lips before looking his face over. He looked tired.

"I missed you so much." I said.

"I missed you too. I been distant, sorry." he apologized, carrying me to my bedroom and placing me on the bed.

"I agree. You have been distant but that's my fault."

He glanced over at me and laughed.

"You? Accepting blame? Where's my girlfriend?"

"Ha ha." I rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry for contacting your family. That was out of line and I should've talked to you first."

He stood and shrugged.

"It was out of line. I don't speak to them for a reason. But apology accepted." he crossed his arms. "Now, I wanna say sorry for reacting the way I did. I shouldn't have kicked you out. You my lady, I should've talked to you first."

"No, no it's fine." I replied. "Let's talk now."

He gave me a funny look.

"About what?"

"About why you acted like that. You always been a calm, soothing person to me. You were under the influence that day, of what? God knows. That's why you got so aggressive." 

He shook his head.

"That's what it looks like to be upset Asami. I know how to take what I take."

"You... have a problem." I said.

He shrugged and sighed.

"When people get mad, that's what happens. End of discussion:"

The Asher I knew and met didn't act like that. I didn't feel like arguing with him so I changed the subject.

"Well, lets detour this conversation. Guess what?"


"I'd just like to throw it out there that I graduate tomorrow." I said proudly.

I had only a night before I was going to have to get ready to head to my college to snatch my diploma up. I was beyond excited.

"I'm so proud of you." he smiled. "What we doing after?"

"Going out to eat most likely... uh, a spot is to be determined."

"Sounds good to me." he nodded his head. "I have a graduation gift for you, but you gotta wait till after the ceremony. Gotta make sure you graduate for real." he joked. "Otherwise no gift."

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