1 - Sphiynx of black quartz...

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[(Y/N) was slain by Enderman.]

I leapt up from my bed and stomped down to my storage room, cursing the whole way.

"Stupid ghasts, all spawning around the portal. Stupid enderman walking right in front of me..." I grumbled, trailing off.

A soft bark caught my attention. I turned to see my dog, (D/N), sat by the stairs, wagging his tail cheerfully. I relaxed my shoulders and crouched down in front of him.

"Good thing I didn't bring you along, huh?" I said, straightening (D/N)'s (F/C) collar. In response, he jumped up with his fluffy paws on my knees and began licking my face.

"(D/N)!" I giggled. "Down, boy! I know, I know, you missed me!"

I stood up and carried on to the storage room, (D/N) happily trotting along close at my heels. I flipped open the nearest chest and dug through its contents, pulling out a crossbow and a handful of arrows. I loaded one arrow and looked back at
(D/N), who cocked his head to the side and whined.

"It's okay, (D/N). I'm just going to get my stuff back before it all disappears; I shouldn't be too long." I scratched the white fur behind his ears and left the storage room.

Even before I opened the front door, I could see the gloomy purple glow of the portal coming from the hollowed-out hill outside. The sun was setting and already mobs began spawning. As a skeleton aimed its bow at me, I decided my best chance was to make a run for it.

I took off sprinting to the hill's entrance, the skeleton's arrow piercing the wooden door where I had just stood. More arrows whizzed past. I kept running.

I was just outside the cave-like opening of the hill now, paused for only a fleeting moment. I took one brief glance back at my house, spotting (D/N) watching me through a window. I barely heard him bark before an arrow became buried in my shoulder. I glanced over at another skeleton re-loading its bow and taking aim. I stopped myself raising my crossbow and taking a shot - I only had five arrows with me (and one in my shoulder).

I've wasted enough time already, I told myself, hissing.

I didn't look back.

I leapt into the portal.

A sound like rushing wind enveloped my senses; the world around me spun and became tinted with purple. I closed my eyes and fought down the bile rising in my throat.

The manner in which I stumbled from the portal was the furthest thing from graceful anyone could get. I tripped over my own foot and collapsed, head still spinning, onto the scorching ground. A fire next to me reached out and caressed my leg with its hurtful touch. I flinched away, backing into the empty frame that used to be my portal - before it was blown up by a ghast, that is. The new one stood identical beside it.

I unsteadily got to my feet. Slowly, my senses came back to me. Somewhere in the distance, I could hear the near-pitiful cries of a ghast, the fierce crackling of the eternal fires all around, even the guttural chirping of a lone enderman. The air held a heavy, pungent scent like rotting flesh that stung my nose and jabbed at my eyes.

And the heat.

It's impossible to forget the incalescence of the Nether Realm, how it feels like the air is trying to dry you out like a sponge in a furnace; how it grips your lungs tight and fills them with an unbearable weight with every breath you take. And yet, even so, it seems to always be easy - too easy - to underestimate it before you experience it.

A ghast suddenly swooped into view, screeching with an anger as red as its glowing eyes. It opened its mouth wider and sent a fireball hurtling towards me. I swung the butt end of my crossbow at it, felling the jolt of a successful collision shake up along my arms. The fireball flew astray, hitting another ghast that I hadn't noticed. The second shrieked bloody murder as it fell to the ground, laying motionless aside from the twitching of its limbs.

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