How you meet (1)

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   You just got fired from your job, you were one of the best too! Who does that!?! You screamed internally.  When the day was done, you decided to go to the bar, you never really went. Though, today was an exception.  You took a shortcut to a bar not so far away from your house.  You walked through the ally, but a cloth covered you nose.  You thrashed at your kidnapper, you tried so hard to turn around and you were running out of breath. Now your eyesight was getting blurry, you fought to stay awake, but the fact you used too much air because of thrashing, you were going unconscious and couldn't stop.
______Time skip brought to you by Dean's Forgotten Pie______

  You woken up, chained to a wooden pole.  Not wanting to get a splinter, you say there.  Not that even matters you couldn't find a way too get out.  It was cold in what looked to be a barn, you didn't even want to find out if you still had your clothes on or not, but you looked down anyway squeezing your eyes closed. If someone changed my clothes once I'm gonna beat them a new one. You thought to yourself. You opened your eyes, thank God your clothes were still on!
  You see something move in the corner of your eye.  You moved your head to the side to see what it was.  Shoot! I'm not staying here, someone help me!! You pleaded through your mind.  You start to glare at the figure walking towards you. 
  "Ain't you a pretty thing" He said turning his eyes black.  You start to struggle.  You look up at him to see a blade go through him.  His face starts to blow orange and the orange light flickers.
  "Hey you okay?!" The guy went to untie you.  He got your hands free, and you got the tie around your mouth untied.
  "Dean! We're clean over here!" A taller guy walked over.  Dean, my saviors name is Dean. You thought about it.
   "Thank you. By the way, My name is (y/n)" You give him your genuine smile.
   He drives you to your house, and you went to your bed and slept all day long.

    I was in a library looking for some horror stories, or a supernatural book.
  "Horror lover?" Said an unfamiliar voice, I look behind to see a guy with long beautiful hair, and hazel eyes.  Dang, he's a moose. You had to look up to face his eyes.
  "Yah you could say that" You chuckle a little.  No, but seriously how does someone grow that tall??
  "I suggest H.P. Lovecraft, he's a great horror writer." The tall moose said.  He looked at me with a smile.
  "Your tall." I blurted out. I cover my mouth for a second nervous.
He chuckles a bit, making me giggle.
   "I get that a lot, thanks I guess?" He said.  Smiling a bit.  This moose looks like he knows this place.
   "Hey, could you show me the way to H.P. Lovecraft, I'm kinda new here." I ask a little shyly looking away. 
   "Sure, I'm Sam Winchester." Sam says walking, with me by his side.
   "I'm (y/n)"  I say looking up, smiling.  He leads the way over to the books as we talk.
   "Well, here we are." He said smiling. I hug him and say thank you.
   "Wait Sam! Here's my number, if you ever need someone to talk to." I say giving him a genuine smile, hugging him one more time.


   I look at the honey bee buzzing around, getting ready for fall and winter.  I've always loved honeybees.  I smile to myself.  I feel weight on the other side of the bench. 
   "What a interesting insect." I heard a deep voice, I smile.  I look over a the man. 
   "I've grown up on loving bees, I think they are beautiful."  I responded. He looked at me cracking a smile.
   "Most, people are scared of them.  I don't know why though, they do the help environment." I said looking at the honeybee leave my sight.
   "They are an absolute wonder." The guys says to me.  I smile at him.
   "My name's (y/n) ." I hold out my hand to shake it.  Giving him a smile.
    "Castiel, like the angel." He said taking my hand and shaking a little.  Returning the smile I gave him.
    "Well if you need anything call this number, I'll help. " I say handing him a paper with my number on it.


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