Chapter 8

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          I am so sorry for taking so long to add this chapter. I have been very busy lately and writing was kind of put to the side for a while and I apologize for that. I hope you enjoy this next part.

          Paul's POV:

           Connor was being really quiet today and it was scaring me. He was almost always making jokes and having fun. Recently something has been on his mind, but I was afraid to ask why. Today he was acting more strange than usual, though. I was worried.

          "Connor" I said to get his attention, but he didn't say anything. I looked over at him. He had his headphones on and was staring intensely at his computer screen. He was watching REKT. I understood that he used to be on the channel before they stopped, but he didn't really watch REKT. He had a look in his eyes that no one else would understand unless they saw it themselves. I could see a very strong emotion in his eyes, but I don't think it was because the channel had ended. Woods showed up on the screen and Connor's eyes changed. His eyes became softer and more passionate. I looked at them for a second.

          "Connor" I said a little bit louder this time. He heard me this time and hesitantly paused the video. He took his headphones off and looked over at me. "Are you okay?" I asked "you have been acting very strange lately" Connor looked at the floor for a while, examining his feet.

           Without looking at me he asked "Can you keep a secret?" I nodded my head. "I think I like Woods" he said, his voice changing slightly when he said Wood's name. I stayed quiet and Connor shifted in his seat. "I don't know why, but every time I look at him or talk to him my heart speeds up and I get nervous. I don't know what to do or how to respond to this feeling. He is all I have been thinking about recently and I am just so lost and confused" I looked at him. His gaze was still at his feet

          "I know how you feel" he finally looked up at me "I feel the same way about Tanner. Loving someone is not easy, but it happens. There is no way to stop it. I don't exactly have any advice for you, but I will tell you this: it is okay to be in love with him. There is nothing wrong with it. People deal with situations like this differently, but however you decide to deal with I wish you luck."

        Connor looked at me and smiled. The smile showed in his eyes, as if to confirm that he truly appreciated what I said. He stood up and gave me a small hug. I returned it and smiled. I was glad he talked to me. He no longer had to keep what he was feeling trapped inside.

          Connor put his hand on my shoulder. "Let's go get lunch" he said. I looked at my watch. I didn't realize it was lunch time already. I nodded my head and we walked out the door.

          Tanner's POV: 

          I stared at my ceiling. I was already done with my work for today so I was free to do whatever I wanted to, but I decided to just sit here. I didn't really get much time to just think anymore. It felt nice to have this time. 

          My phone vibrated on my desk, interrupting my thoughts. I sighed and lifted my phone. I got a text from Matt saying that we were going to have practice for the play today at one. I checked my watch and saw that it was twelve now. Everyone was probably getting lunch right now, but I wasn't that hungry.  

          I scooted up to my desk and went to Google on my computer. I wasn't sure what exactly I wanted to search. I ended up searching "How to know if you like someone" I read an article, but it only confused me more. I thought about Paul and how he made me feel. I have never really been attracted to other men until now. This feeling that I felt towards Paul was new to me. 

          There was a knock on my door. I looked at the window and saw Paul. Suddenly my breathing became deeper and my heart started to beat faster. I took a deep breath and stood up. I opened the door to let Paul into my office. I took my place back at my desk and Paul sat in a chair in front of me.

            "Hey" he said "I got you lunch" he handed me a bag from In and Out. I wasn't that hungry, but I was glad he thought of me.

           "Thanks" I said as I opened the bag. I started eating the food that he got for me. We sat there quietly for a minute until he started talking.

           "So..." he began "Matt said that we would be practicing for the play today. Are you excited?" He asked. I had food in my mouth so I just nodded. "I have been practicing a lot at home. This is the first play I've been  in" I could tell by his voice that he was also excited. I laughed. "What?" He asked.

          I swallowed the food I had in my mouth. "I just think it's cute that you are so excited" Paul started blushing and I mentally yelled at myself for saying that out loud. 

          Whenever I liked someone, it was difficult to not flirt with them. It was just my personality.

          I cleared my throat and looked at my watch. "We should probably start heading over to Matt's office to practice" Paul nodded and we left my office.


H.I.M (Hand in Mine) (Tanner x Paul)Where stories live. Discover now