4. First Lessons

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We went to our part of the castle together with our prefect and the rest of Gryffindor. He said that the staircases could change. We had to stick to the group. We arrived at our house. We first needed to say the password to the Fat Lady. She was on the painting. Then the painting became a door we could walk through. We came in the Gryffindor common room. The prefect told us were our dormitories were.

Once everything was divided, Daisy, Roxy and I went straight to our bedroom. We saw that our things were already there. And also that Mia was still waiting in the cage for me.

I walked over and stroked her through the cage. Mia was pleased that she received attention and started making weird sounds. My friends and I laughed at Mia.

They also showed me their owls. Daisy's was brown and her name was Nina, and Roxy's was black and her name was Raven. We had a great time together and we talked until we had to go to bed. "Tomorrow is our first schoolday. I hope we get to class on time, "I said. "Oh well, I will wake you two up. I always get up very early." said Roxy.

I fell asleep pretty quickly. In the beginning of my dream I dreamed about what happened today.

Later in my dream I saw that I was in my mother's arms and that another woman with red hair was standing next to her. She waved goodbye to my mother and me. She had a small child in her arms. I was crying just like the boy in the arms of the unknown woman.
Did I know her? And why were we both crying?

Roxy woke me up early in the morning. I freshed myself up. I wondered why I had that strange dream last night. Why now? And also why was the other woman waving goodbye to me and my mother?

When I came back Roxy woke Daisy up. She first protested, but then she got up too. I said that I was going to wake up the other girls so that Daisy could freshen herself up.

First I went to Hermione. I gently woke her up. I said that if we would get up early, we would at least be on time in class. She got out of bed and got dressed.

When she was done, I had already awakened the other girls. They now stood up 1 by 1. I asked Hermione if she wanted to walk with us to the classroom after we had breakfast. She said it was okay and walked with us.

Once in the classroom we saw that we were the first. Well, at least we were on time. To pass the time, we read through the material for today. Hermione also thought this was a good idea.

When the lesson finally started, we had already gone through all the material for today. Professor McGonaggal had already helped us a little bit forward. She had already given us an assignment that we could make. So when class started, we were very busy with the four of us.

Moments later, 2 boys came running into the room. One was Harry and the other was his friend Ronald Weasley. I should just ask Hermione what his name is where he goes by. Oherwise I keep calling him Ronald Weasley all the time.

Anyway, they thought that Professor McGonnagal was not there because they only saw a cat. The cat turned out to be her. The boys were shocked and quickly sat down.

10 minutes before the end of the lesson, Hermione, Daisy, Roxy and I raised our hands. Professor Mcgonaggal came to us. We said that we were done and she checked it. When she did that, we were allowed to go. She gave us a rare smile.

Once outside, I asked Hermione what Harry's friend's name was where he goes by. She said his name was Ron.

Now that we were done earlier, we were able to chat with the four of us. Daisy, Roxy and I got along very well with Hermione. She told us that she was a muggle. Daisy told Hermione that she was also a muggle. We asked her if she wanted to sit with us next lesson. She agreed to sit together with us at the next lesson.

After that I asked Hermione if she also wanted to teach me some simple spells. I wanted to do more than just look at the books. She thought it was a good idea and she suggested doing it tonight.

When the Transfiguration lesson ended, we walked to the next lesson. This was Potions. We sat down next to each other. Next to Hermione, 2 places remained. Harry saw that there were 2 empty spots and he sat down next to Hermione. Ron sat down next to Harry.

I saw that Draco had sat down somewhere in front with his friends Crabbe and Goyle. When the professor came in, he introduced himself as Professor Snape. He said we were here to learn how potions work and how to make them. He also said that a lot of people could not do that well and that he hoped that our group was not such a group. I saw that Hermione was already eager to prove him wrong.

Professor Snape grabbed the register of the group and went through all the names. He looked Draco's way at Draco's name. He didn't look up to the rest, but he did to Harry. He even stopped there and said in a low voice "Oh yes, Harry Potter our new celebrity." He then continued. When he was done he looked into the classroom again.

He suddenly shouted "Potter!" He then asked Harry several questions. Harry didn't know the answer to any of these questions. Hermione raised her hand with every question. Snape ignored her. The friends of Draco and Draco themselve struggled to hold back their laughter. I knew some answers but I didn't raise my hand. I thought if he asks I will answer his question.

At some point Snape was fed up. He said to Harry "Clearly fame isn't everything is it Mr. Potter?"He had the entire class write down the answers to his questions. I noted down every important thing he said.

Furthermore he took 10 points from Gryffindor because, Harry did not know any of the answers. Neville always had bad luck and that was here too. He had ruined a potion and he was completely submerged.

An hour later the lesson ended. I saw Harry walk away as quickly as possible with Ron. I understood why. I saw Draco linger. I decided that I wanted to show Snape my notes and I wanted to do that after class. Even though most of the students didn't think he was a great teacher, I had no trouble with that. Hermione, Daisy and Roxy already left. I said I would stay a little while, then they walked away and said that they would see me at lunch.

I could see that Snape was very satisfied with Draco. He was very good at potions. I walked over to them and I saw Draco turn around.

He seemed surprised that I was still in the classroom. I asked "Professor? I just wanted to say that I found your lesson quite interesting and I just wanted to ask if the notes I made are good." Snape gestured that I could show it to him. I took my notebook and gave it to him. He looked at my notes and said "Hmm. I see that you have noted the most things well Ms. Fray. It looks good. That is rare for a Gryffindor. Also that you have the courage to show it to me." I saw that he looked very satisfied and it seemed that he liked me compared to the rest of the group. Draco saw it too and he looked even more surprised than before.

Snape said we could both go. We walked out of the classroom together. Outside the classroom Draco asked me if I thought it was really interesting.
I said "I think it's really interesting."
He said 'It is indeed rare for a Gryffindor to go to Snape. He doesn't like Gryffindors. "
"Yes, I noticed that. He was angry at all Gryffindors, even Hermione."
"Hermione Granger? Pffft. Of course he is angry with her she is a child of muggle parents. They should have trouble with everything not to be the best. That is a shame for our kind."
"Our kind? She happens to be one of my friends and she is the smartest girl I know. Muggle parents, half-blood or pure-blood doesn't matter to me."
This made him laugh.
He said, "Well, that means if you're friends with her. I can't be friends with you. You are friends with the wrong people Clary. I can help you if you want. "
"Why would you want to help me Draco?"
"I guess because I like you. You are nice to me unlike the other Gryffindors. Also, you are good at potions and most Gryffindors aren't. And I don't know why but I think you are way better then the other Gryffindors.  You don't have to choose now, just think about it."
"I'll think about it, Draco but, I can't just abandon my friends."
"Okay, I'll give you until next week, we'll discuss this topic again. Bye, Clary."
"Bye, Draco." After this he walked out of the dungeons. A little later I followed and went to the Great Hall to Hermione, Roxy and Daisy.

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