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I woke up to my phone buzzing.

Call from Yannabear💕

I couldn't help but smile. I really like this girl. We been talking now for about 2 months. Nothing serious, we just been on the phone all the time, fucking all the time, and one of us is always sleeping over.... I guess you could say that's kinda serious.

I answered the phone.

"Hey babygirl"

"You sound sleepy, you better not be in bed. You have to be to work at 1"

I groaned and rolled onto my stomach.

"I don't wannnaaaaa" I whined logging into my bank account like I do every morning.

" I know but we are supposed to be saving up and trying to be responsible adults"

I got quiet.

"Tell them you sick, clock out and come over" I told her sharply. She just started an, in store job  at a cut throat makeup store to get us some extra income. She already gets bank from the clients she gets at home but she decided she needed more.

I was staring at $121 million dollars in my bank account.

"Are you crazy ? Hell no... you know where I work"

"Then quit."

"Yep it's official, China has definitely damaged you"

"Ayanna I'm serious. Come over"

She got quiet for a second.

"Is.... is everything okay?"

"More then okay baby. Trust me come on"

"O..okay? Let me go tell them I'm sick.. I'll call you back"

The phone hung up and I was smiling ear to ear.

YES! I'm a millionaire!

I didn't even bother calling out of work. I turned up my music as loud as I could and danced around my room. I was so hype the neighbors started knocking on the wall.

I laid out on my bed catching my breath. Should I tell Ayanna? I know she really likes me but what if she finds out I'm rich and uses me like China did. They are friends after all... they have to have something in common besides both being big ass flirts. I just don't see it with Ayanna though. I want to be something serious.

Call from Yannabear💕

I picked up as soon as the screen lit up.

"Hey beautiful, you on the way?" I asked a little too enthusiastic. I need to tone it down before she get too suspicious but I'm excited. I have millions of dollars and a girl I want is coming over.

"Yes crazy! I'm on the way, I can't believe you convinced me to do this. I took a ding on my attendance for this."

"I promise it'll be worth it.... actually, imma meet you at your house. I want you to shower and change into the nicest dress you got"

"What is this some type of surprise date?"  I could hear her blushing through the phone.

I haven't really taken her on a date yet. I been struggling with my money so we usually just get food and smoke and enjoy each other's company.

"Yea, it's some type of surprise date" my heart fluttered just saying it out loud.

"Wooowww look at you miss romantic... I'm wondering how you can afford this since your clearly not going to work"

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