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We pulled up to the restaurant high as fuck. I was too ready to eat. We were at this expensive ass seafood place that was rated 5 stars on yelp. You know I had to look through their photos to make sure I wouldn't get no babydoll food. Honestly it looks promising, it looks like they got some black people working in that kitchen.

My phone started to ring as I got out of the Uber. Damn it my mom. I contemplated answering it then let it go to voicemail. I've been avoiding her ever since Yanna and I planned to set China up. It started off with quick small talk and a little white lie to get her off the phone. Lately, I've just been straight up ignoring the calls. This is a really hard secret to keep. I want to talk about it with someone besides Yanna so bad but the less people who know the better.

I mean yea, she's like a bestfriend but she's still my mom. She would never be cool with me doing this. Even if she knew China stole money from me. I hate to be a cliche daughter but I have to keep this secret from her... she just wouldn't understand.

"Don't tell me your talking to Ciara too" Yanna said sarcastically rolling her eyes.

I was gonna bullshit and fuck with her but with the way things are going I decided to chill.

"Nah, it's my mom babygirl... see?" I said showing her my call history.

"I didn't want to answer cause I'm on a date."

"Just go call her. What if something is wrong? You've been ignoring her calls for 2 days"

I groaned.

Damn it Yanna, why do you have to be an actual good girlfriend.

China would never say that.

China huffed and rolled her eyes.

"You made a reservation right?"

"Yea it's under Thomas, Desirae Thomas if they ask"

"did you think we forgot your first name?" China asked narrowing her eyes.

"Thanks Desirae." Yanna said as if she was saying it for both of them before dragging China into the Restaurant.

I'm sure she saw that I was 2 seconds from putting China in check.

I stood outside of the fancy restaurant debating whether or not to actually call my momma back.

When it comes to the quote 'what they don't know won't hurt them' it's  easier said then done. I've never been able to keep the truth from her.

I walked away from the family's that were sharing their last laughs in front of the restaurant before they parted ways. The last thing I needed was somebody in my business. I ended up pacing around the water fountain with my mom's contact pulled up. Damn I really don't have time to stall, I'm suppose to be on a date.

I reluctantly pressed the green phone symbol at the bottom of the screen and chewed on my lip as the phone rung.

It only took one and a half rings for my mom to pick up the phone.... and start grilling my ass.

"Desirae Erika Thomas, you must've lost your everlasting mind"

Whoop there it is.

"I'm sorry ma I've been really busy."

"You don't just ignore your Momma! I could be dying! You could've been dead! I only know your alive because of China."

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