"I Don't Know What You're Talking About."

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A/N Hello Everyone! xx I'm so sorry that my chapters are so short! I figured I do a lot of them but they'd be short rather than long and posted once every week. I know I hate it when I have to wait forever for a chapter, I figured you guys probably hate it too. So enjoy my super short chapter and please FAN FAN FAN FAN FAN FAAAAAAN ME! Thanks:D


Our evening with the boys was wonderful, It reminded me of being home with my brother. Except it was more like five brothers. I missed my family, but they could never come back to me. Maybe I should explain. I am an orphan, and nobody knows this, not even the girls. My older brother James and my parents died in a car crash when I was twelve. That was five years ago. Technically I live in a foster home, but they allow me to live in this dorm - house so I can attend ULAHS. All of the girls just think my family shipped me off to a far away school and they don’t care about me anymore. They think they’re all back in Doncaster sipping tea happy I’m gone. If they were still around my mom would be callling me every hour, my dad would be sending me pictures of his reccent adventures at least twice a week. My brother, almost every weekend would drive the three hours to come and see me, we’d play football and videogames until we would almost pass out. I would give anything for another weekend like the ones I used to have.

Anyway, enough talking about sad things in my life. 

The girls and I walked into our house and we all said our goodnights and headed off to our rooms, I walked into my room and stood in the doorway waiting to strike. Lily walk down the hall and before she could pass my room I grabbed her and pulled her in shutting the door behind us. She gave a little shriek, I may have pulled a little hard.

“Lily, spill now.” I said with a determined look on my face.

“What do I need to spill?” Lily said rubbing her arm. Oops, sorry.

“What did Liam say to you? Do you fancy him? And you two are so cute together! Just get married already!” The words came out of my mouth like bullets. She giggled at my giddyness 

“Whoa. Kyles, first of all I’m not going to marry him! Yet...” She gave me a wink. “Second, I guess I do fancy him, and third he said I had an adorable smile.” She played with her hair, the smile Liam was talking about dancing across her face.

“Aww Lil, that’s so cute!” I pinched her cheeks, she slapped my hand away playfully.

“Yeah, yeah. Now I’m going to sleep.” Lil said, she looked very tired. Poor girl.


“Night Kyles.” She made her way towards my door but stopped before exiting. She turned back around, and stared at me. “What about you?”

“What are you talking about Lil?” I was confused.

“You and Niall. Don’t think we didn’t see it! The way he put his hand on your knee and neither of you bothered to pull away!” She had a smirk on her face, and her arms were crossed in front of her chest. Sassy. Okay, well maybe it is true, Niall did have his hand on either my knee or hand for most of the night and maybe I did like it, but no one could prove it. Besides he’s in a popular boyband, he probably doesn’t have time for a simple London girl like me.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” I lied.

“Liar.” Damn.

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