"I Hate Surprises!"

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A/N Hey Guys! :)

This chapter has some swearing which is why it is a PG-13 story. If you don't like the language don't read. Simple as that. I'm home sick today so I decided to write something a little longer than what I'm used too. Please someone be proud of me.


Taa taa for now!


“Sorry lads, I was starting to fall asleep at the wheel.” The bus driver said while rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

“John its half past eleven, how are you still tired.” Zayn said with a small laugh.

“You’ll understand once you reach my age.” We all piled back into the bus, everyone collapsing on the couch. Again I was crush by Niall. He sure likes to sit on me.

“Where too next?” I called out to no one in particular.

“Each pairing is going to a different secret location, picked by each boy.” The driver - John - said.

“Where did you pick?” I asked Niall. He just tapped his nose secretively. “Niall! I hate surprises! Just tell me!” I yelled, pushing him off of me and onto the floor.

“You’ll see.” He said from his spot on the floor.

“Liam your stop!” John said opening the bus doors. Liam took Lily’s hand and led her out the doors. I looked out the window and saw they were at an old style movie theater. The sign at the top said, that the movie ‘Sinister’ was playing. Liam was playing the “I’ll protect you from the scary movie card”. I giggled to myself, typical boys.

We drove on for another minute or two and John announced it was Zayn’s turn to get out. I saw that we were outside a mall. For their first date, Zayn sure knew Hayley extremely well already. Hayley squealed with excitement and ran out the bus closely followed by Zayn.

To get to Louis’ stop we had to drive to the outside of town about 10 minutes. I was very curious to where he was taking Megan. Eventually we reached an amusement park, but before Lou and Meg got out Louis walked over to Harry.

“Come on lad. I’m not going to let you sit in here or at the house, wishing you’re date hadn't slapped you.” He held his hand out to Harry, while smiling. Harry took it and stepped out of the bus with the other two. I felt really bad for him. All the other boys got a cool date that matched their personalities, but he was left as the third wheel. Hopefully the three of them would still have fun.

“Niall! Tell me!” I whined, as the bus doors closed. He just laughed that adorable laugh of his, the one I absolutely loved, even after knowing him for a little more than 12 hours. When he laughed he slightly looked at the ground, then when he looked back up he would sweep his short blonde hair back into it’s place. Then, he would look deep into my eyes, his eyes were so blue they almost hurt mine. They were stunning. I caught myself staring and I quickly looked back out the window. We were driving back into London.

“Like what you see.” Niall said with a cheeky smile on his face. I just rolled my eyes and kept staring out the window. On the way to our destination we shared a comfortable silence. He had his arm around my shoulders that he casually placed after yawning. Classic.

“Here we are Niall. Hope you two have fun. Paul texted me saying I get the rest of the day off so you two will have to find your own way back.”

“Alright, thanks John!” Niall said popping out of the bus. I thanked John too as I stepped out of the vehicle. He drove of with a wave.

“How are we getting back home?” I asked because I wasn’t sure exactly where we were.

“We can walk, we’re only about 10 minutes away.” He said.

“Where are we anyway?” I was confused we were just in a dusty parking lot with nothing in it. He turned me around and pointed to a large structure out in the distance. I could barely see it. To the left of us was a beach the wave crashing onto the sand as surfers ran into the blue liquid hoping to catch a large wave. Right next to the beach was a huge amusement park on the pier. My kind of place.

“Oh. My. God. LET’S GO!” I screamed pulling Niall along behind me. He just laughed at me. “Niall! Hurry your butt up we’re going on the giant roller coaster now!” He quickened his pace to match mine. We reached the gate and he payed for our wristbands. Some girls around us were pointing, and some screaming, but no fans completely chased us yet. “Where to first?” Niall said lacing his fingers with mine. Normally on a first date I would pull away thinking that this guy is a total player, but I knew Niall was different. Even after knowing him a few hours I knew he wasn’t like the other guys I’ve dated, who were all complete assholes. As if on cue I saw my most recent ex exit ‘The Tunnel of Love’ with some slut.

“Fuck.” I muttered grabbing Niall and pulling him behind a carnival game.

“What’s the matter babe?” He asked the normal happy look in his eyes turning into concern, and slight fear.

“My ex with some slut. He abused me, he’s super jealous and I would never want anything to happen to you.” I said looking deep into his eyes.

“I’m sorry.” He muttered cupping my jaw in his hand.

“It’s fine.” I smiled sincerely.

“Let’s go show him you can have a lot more fun with me, than him.” Niall said taking my hand and pulling me up. We went on rides for at least 3 hours, and on after one roller coaster Niall started cheering because he has so much fun. I took a picture and posted it on twitter.


Crazy Niall had too much fun on this ride. @NiallOfficial xx

Niall even won me a giant panda bear. It was at least twice my size, and It was heavy.

“What are you going to name your new friend Kyles.” Niall said pointing towards my new panda.

“I don’t know.” I said smoothing the stuffed animal’s fur.

“How about Niall.” He gave me a cheeky smile and a wink. I laughed at his joke, but when I thought about it, it did make sense. Niall had won the panda for me.

“Sure thing babe.” I returned the smile.

“Yay!” He said while pecking my cheek. “What should w--” We were interrupted by a couple of fans tapping Niall on the back.

“Excuse me, could we get an autograph and maybe a picture?” They couldn’t have been more than eleven, and they were also extremely shy.

“Sure loves! What are your names?” He replied. I watched him from a couple of feet away taking funny pictures with the small girls. Just as Niall handed the paper back to one of the girls I felt a heavy tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw the number one thing I really didn’t want to see ever again, but sadly had the pleasure of today. My ex - James.

“Hello Kylie. Fancy meeting you here.”


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