Jelly bear

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"Mitch what is going on with you." You said to the boy who was currently ignoring you. Without a word he sat up and left.

You had been thinking back to what had happened that day: you woke up, ate, worked and...

"Mitch I'm sorry I made fun of your hair ok, it just looked really scruffy and I thought a saw a bug."

Happiness flooded through you as you thought Mitch was done being mad. But then he stood up and left again.

"Why is he so stubborn." You complained to violet who looked as though she was bored of talking about Mitch.

"I don't know, did you ask him?"

"Yeah I asked him, but he won't bloody speak to me!" Your voice came out whiney, but one thing you hate more than your voice is people being mad at you.

"Oh yeah did Louis tell you the story about that goat, because when he told me-

My inhale of air stopped her.

"Violet, your a genius!" It clicked in your mind, Mitch was 𝚓𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚜.

"Mitch." You said as you stood next to him.

"Are you jealous of Louis?" You asked, stiffling a laugh.

"What!" He practically yelled, whipping his head to face you.

"I wasn't jealous."

"Mitch, we were literally talking about a goat ok."

You saw a glint if amusement in his green eyes.

"A goat?"

"Yeah, but it's a long story." You said thinking back to the good thirty minutes it took Louis to tell you.

"Tell me, it's not like time is that precious." He groaned when you shock your head.

"Admit you were jealous." You challenged him.

An exaggeratedly, long sigh fell from his lips. "Fine I was jealous ok."

When he saw the smirk that was strung across your face he turned to stomp away.

"Hey, hey I'm sorry ok I will tell you the story." You said, reaching to grab his arm.

"So, it starts with a goat...

Sorry I haven't updated in like a week, I was a bit busy.
Word count: 339
Maybe one day I will tell the goat story. 🐐

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