Saving Her

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"Dad, we really gotta go. Sam and Tucker have been waiting for us for over half an hour to patro..." Danny started.
"Uh, Pa…troooclus! To do a report on Patroclus! A Greek warrior friend of Achilles." I interrupted slapping my hand over his mouth.
"Your math homework can wait, boy! Check out my newest invention! I call it Ecto-Dejecto! With one shot of this no-go juice, ghostly power shrivels up like a raisin in the sun." Jack exclaimed as I sent a quick glare at Danny. "Take this little spooky stinker. Yeah, he’s tiny. But terror comes in all sizes! Just hit it with some Ecto-Dejecto and watch it go from tiny to gone! Sayonara, spectral scum!" Jack continued until it started to grow. "Wait, are we shrinking?! No, no, no! Stop! Shields up! Maddie, quick! The Wraith Wrangler!"
"On it!" Maddie exclaimed as my eyes widen at how big it's gotten.
"Danny! Containment! I just don’t know why I just can’t get the kinks out of this one." Jack exclaimed as Danny opened the big door.
"Um, any objections to us getting far, far away from here?" Danny asked.
"Good idea, Danny! Best you avoid any unnecessary contamination!" Maddie said still leaning on the door.
"Or embarrassment… Thanks!" Danny called as he dragged me out. We quickly went ghost and flew over to Sam and Tucker.
"Sorry we're late." Danny explained.
"A report on Patroclus? I’m impressed." Sam said.
"Thanks! I guess I really do absorb some things while I’m sleeping in class." I grinned sheepishly.
"Well, guys, I hate to say it, or maybe I’m glad to say it, but tonight’s ghost hunting scene is pretty much Dullsville. Unless, of course, you count the sudden appearance of Danny’s long lost ghost cousin." Tucker said.
"What?! My cousin?" Danny exclaimed.
"Whoa-aaaah! Danny!" Dani yelled as she crashed into him.
"Danny? That was your cousin, right?" Sam asked through the mic.
"I’ve got this one, guys!" Danny said as I helped them up.
"Danielle? Are you okay? You look awful. What happened to you? Last time I saw you, you flew off kinda dramatically." Danny asked worryingly.
"You know how hard it is to fly off dramatically?! That plus our last battle with Vlad left me really wiped out. As much as I’ve tried to save my strength since then, I keep getting weaker! I needed your help to see if you can make me stay whole! But as soon as I got into town, Vlad came after me!" Dani exclaimed.
"He’s not gonna touch you, Dani. Come on, we’ll protect you." I smiled as I put my hand lightly on her shoulder.
"I knew you’d take the bait, Phantom!" Valerie shouted.
"Bait?! Was this a trap?!" Danny questioned.
"No! No! I would never do that! She saw me go ghost and she was gonna turn me over to Vlad until I told her I knew you!" Dani explained.
"It’s true, Danny. The little ecto-brat had no idea I was using her to get to you!" Valerie sneered.
"You what?!" Dani squeaked.
"And she actually believed that I wanted the honor of meeting Danny Phantom! When I really just wanted the honor of destroying you!" Valerie mocked.
"You—you tricked me!" Dani yelled as Valerie shocked all.


"I finally got you where I want you. Now, I want answers, Phantom." Valerie cackled.
"You’re not getting anything until you tell me what you did with Dani!" Danny yelled as my eyes fluttered open.
"Oh, she’s getting what’s coming to her." Valerie said nonchalantly.
"Just tell me you didn’t hand her over to Vlad!" I cried out.
"Well, that would be a lie, now, wouldn’t it?" She snickered.
"You didn’t seem to have any trouble lying to Dani! Listen, I know that we’ve had our issues, and clearly, you’re not big on forgiveness. But Dani doesn’t have anything to do with you hating me!" Danny yelled.
"I don’t hate you, Danny. It’s because of you that I’m the most powerful ghost hunter in Amity Park." Valerie grinned.
"Hey! What about the Fentons?!" Danny questioned.
"Are you kidding?! They couldn’t catch a ghost if it was living under their own roof!" She laughed.
"True." Danny and I said in unison.
"But knowledge is power. And with your knowledge, I’ll be able to rid Amity Park of its constant ghost invasions forever!" She explained.
"So you want information." I asked.
"Everything you’ve got. On the ghost portals, the ghost zone…" She went on.
"And what if we don’t feel like talking?" Danny asked.
"Then I’ll need to find ways to persuade you!" She cackled evily.

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