Two Months Later

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Danny and I were on patrol alone tonight, and we're just about to wrap it up before an Observant appeared in front of us.
"Your Highness, I'm sorry to bother you, but we need you and Daniel to come to the castle at once." He said as I looked to Danny before following him to the castle in the Ghost Zone.
"I told you not to bring them here yet." Clockwork growled at the Observent.
"They need to know now, so they can be prepared." The head Observent said.
"Clockwork? What is it?" I asked.
"The Ghost Zone is becoming restless in the absence of a royal on the throne." He said.
"Phariah-" I started.
"Has been over thrown. You are the sole heir, and the next ruler of the Ghost Zone." An Observant cut me off.
"You are not allowed to speak in the princess's presence unless spoken to." The head Observent scolded as I rolled my eyes.
"Clockwork, I'm only fifteen, I still have school, I can't rule yet." I said.
"We desperately need a royal on the throne soon, or the Ghost Zone might dissapear." He said.
"Dissapear?" I asked.
"If there isn't a royal on the throne before your next birthday, the Ghost Zone will cease to exist." He said as I nodded.
"What do I need to do?" I asked.
"Well, ancient law states that a Princess cannot become the sole ruler unless she be married." He said.
"Are you kidding?" I scoffed.
"And you must, at least, be with child a month after you are married." He said as I choked.
"Seriously!? I'm fifteen! I can't have a baby at fifteen!" I exclaimed "I'm not even allowed to drive yet! And you expect me to get married, become queen and get pregnant within 5 months!?"
"Yes." The head Observent nodded as I glared harshly down as him as he squirmed uncomfortably.
"It's your duty." He said.
"In the last Earth, I didn't get married, nevermind have children, until I was 26! I didn't even have my first born until a year or so later!" I raged.
"You do have a successor." He said.
"Who?" I asked.
"Danielle." He said.
"Oh hell no! She's what? 10 years old? You've got to be kidding me!" I scoffed as Danny held my hand.
"It's either you or her, your Highness." The head Observent tried before I sent him another glare and he shut up. I sighed realizing this was my only option.
"Fine, I'll ascend the throne, but on one condition." I started.
"Anything." Clockwork said in relief.
"I want to be able to continue school and I get to plan my own wedding... on Earth." I glared.
"We can have two then, on for Earth and one for here." The head Observent tried and shied away immediately.
"Fine." I rolled my eyes as Danny and I flew home.


"I was expecting to do this later on, but here we go." Danny said as he took my hand in front of our friends and his family. "Sapphire Rosabella Anna Marie Raine, will you do me the extraordinary honor in becoming my wife?" Danny asked as he got down on one knee and opened a little box that held a beautiful vintage ring in it.

 "Sapphire Rosabella Anna Marie Raine, will you do me the extraordinary honor in becoming my wife?" Danny asked as he got down on one knee and opened a little box that held a beautiful vintage ring in it

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"Danny... yes! Of course I'll marry you!" I smiled brightly as he slipped the ring on my finger and stood up to kiss me.
"It was the ring that my grandfather proposed to my grandmother with." Jack said as we pulled back.
"It's beautiful." I admired the ring.
"Yeah, they mined and created that whole ring from scratch. And it fits you perfectly." Jazz said as I beamed.
"Congratulations you two." Sam and Tucker grinned.
"Thanks... how did you guys know?" I asked.
"Danny told us all last night. Also, I'm sorry the wedding thing was dropped on you." Maddie said as she hugged me.
"And you guys are ok with this?" I asked.
"Of course, and Danny had been planning to marry you since our fishing trip last year." Jack said. "I gave him the ring when you, Sam, and Jazz went out to get ice cream."
"And we love you like you're part if the family anyway, so why not make it official?" Jazz added.
"And you're all ok with us also having to have a baby before I'm 16?" I asked.
"... Well, not really, but if you're married, I think it'll be easier on all of us?" Maddie tried.
"Hopefully." I smiled weakly.
"We'll help you start planning the wedding after school today, ok?" Maddie changed the subject as a bright smile pulled at my lips.
"Ok." I said before Danny, Sam, Tucker, and I walked to school.

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