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As I'm turning around to take my leave, I steal one last glance at the boy that was once in front of me. I may be hallucinating for some reason, but I thought I saw him blush. How cute.

Brushing it off as a hallucination, I make my exit. I follow the boy from before's directions and end up in my hallway again just before the last bell rings. I made it on time!

I fling the door open. Eyes are on my slightly disheveled appearance. Noticing this, a nervous sweat threatens to spill from my brow. I make my way over to my desk.

Just as I am sitting down, Zoe appears. She gives me a worried look before initiating a conversation.
"(Y/N), are you alright? I saw your conversation with Vasco during lunch, and afterwards you disappeared," She has genuine curiosity and worry in her voice.
"Don't worry, Zoe. I got lost and ended up in the architecture department, that's all. That Vasco helped me get back here anyways," I beamed with a reassuring smile plastered upon my face.

She gives me a weary look and nods her head as she leaves to go flirt with Daniel.

Exhausted, (more so than usual) I decide to take a well deserved nap. I lay my head down, and just as I am doing so, the teacher takes notice.
"Miss (L/N), please answer the question on the board," Said teaches says in an arguably evil tone.
'This guy is definitely a sadist...'

A loud groan escapes my lips as I lift my head to see the board in the first place.
"I can't even read your writing." I blurted while the teacher gives an exasperated sigh.

The majority of the class snickers, especially the "delinquents". (which in my opinion are mere wanna-be's)

"Miss (L/N), it says 'Johnny has 97 apples and 257 watermelons. How many more watermelons than apples does Johnny have?'" The teacher babbles, not paying attention to the class.

One student pulls out a calculator and throws the answer (which is on a small paper) at me. With a tired yet relieved expression, I look to the general direction and mouth  'thank you' before I answer

"It's 160," I sigh as I put my head back down.

The teacher nods and packs up his stuff.

'Is it normal for teachers to just leave in the middle of a lesson?'

I stand from my seat and turn in the direction that the paper came from. "Which one of you did that? I owe you big time," I give a slight chuckle too.
A scrub of a boy timidly raises his hand. I note his appearance before sitting back down and jotting 'meet me during lunch tomorrow' on a piece of paper. I don't particularly like people, but a favor should be returned with another.

I make my way to his desk and place the paper on it. Afterwards, I sashay back to my isolated desk. The teacher is nowhere in sight, so I take the opportunity to take a nap.

I lie my head down in my makeshift pillow. (which is really just my arms) Just as I am about to drift into a peaceful nap, it finally registers. That boy was nervous because that was the one I knocked over earlier. My head shoots up and I give the boy an apolitical look. However, by doing so, I attract a bit of unnoticed attention.

Whispers break out around me.

"What's up with her?"

"She's beautiful, but crazy?"

"It's always the quiet ones"

Unable to brush their words off, I decide to confront the "delinquents" myself.
"I can't help but notice you're all being a bunch of bitches, but I'd stop if I were you"

Apparently, my empty threats had no effect.
'I mean, they were empty threats, so it's fair.'

"Or what, bitch?" The "hEaD dElInQuEnT" growls, trying to be menacing.

"Please refrain from making me mad," I sigh "It's in your own best interests,"

That Zack guy is beginning to look really irritated.

Hi everyone, I'm sorry this chapter took so long

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Hi everyone, I'm sorry this chapter took so long. I've been pretty busy this week. The 31st was obviously Halloween, but the day after was my sister's birthday. I was with my grandma on the 2nd, and yesterday I was at my other grandparents' place. My week has kinda been chaos, but I'm gonna be trying to update more often now.

edited: may 20, 2020

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