Her Change

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Her usual face I miss it all 
The way she smiles, the way she calls
Her imagination grows like plants and trees
Colors of the rainbow that is what she sees

Her usual weight does not concern her at all
Messy raven hair she never cared if it falls
No makeups, no dresses, just plain old jeans
Her usual actions are boyish as it seems

She never cared about judgements at all
As long as she can do what she loves and it's her first goal
Being selfish that's how she explains it further more
But for me it is a way to nurture your self from all the enemies from before

But things changes how people treats her as a whole
They never cared or love her existence at all
They were blinded by unexpectedly small mistakes
Her Good deeds are identical to garbages thrown in lakes

So everything I've seen as a treasure in this girl
Has been demolished into pieces mixed in water vapor
Her usual tough self, kind, and positive goals
It became the opposite side of the kindest words I told over all

Her daily smile became sobs and cries
Her appearance she tried arranging like wise
Judgements are a reason for her awful fright
She now fears the colors of the beaming light

Why did she became like this
Is there something in the story I missed?
Oh right two things changed her personality
The comparisons they tell and the hurtful words they give in reality

She might be lucky, she have food, house and all
But have you ever see her heart sunk and fall?
The way words stab her soul at every minute
They are just words but she can't forget it

Her self esteem , self confidence fell to the ground
A reason why her good luck till now can't be found
Yet people will blame for everything that she miss
They tell her to do it right, make it perfect, don't miss one bit.

A time came when all her dreams are stucked in a vault
Her dreams shuttered, thinking it's all her fault
All the pain her family , she thought every night
That it blinded her mind leaving a dark gray sight

Now are you wondering how she is now?
Well she is fine in a way somehow
Her heart is empty, her mind is confused
The love she gives were mostly abused

So i told you a story of most of the girls in the world
They are not abnormal, they're just experiencing one fall
They needed a caring heart to love their being including their flaws
So don't hate one person when they writing their pain in one post


I dedicate this to those people who needs a listener but never been heard

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