A few hours later, Snowy had invited Snowflake to the house, and the two were hanging out. Firewing was lying on the couch, extremely bored, and had no intention of catching lizards in the jungle anymore. She hissed and blew smoke from her nostrils. The two white dragons continued chatting in the other room. Firewing groaned. She missed having Coral over, even if it had only been a few hours since the big pink dragon was kicked out by Snowy. Firewing had also not gone to the ocean for a while, and she liked it much better than the little pond that Snowy caught her breakfast fish in. She got up off the couch, and walked over to Snowy and Snowflake, still deep in conversation. "Ahem..." said the annoyed green dragon. The two white dragons turned to her. "Why are you interrupting us?" asked Snowy. "Maybe I'd like to do something other than listening to you to blabber," Firewing objected. "Like go to the ocean, perhaps." Snowy sighed. "Snowflake's here. We can't go." Firewing was annoyed. "Come on," she commanded. Snowy shook her head no. "Fine. Then bring him along," said the green dragon. "No thanks, I'd rather go to that nice little pond than the sea," replied Snowflake. "Come on," urged Firewing, swishing her tail in the air in frustration. Snowflake looked up at the clock hanging on the wall, and said, "Hey, look at that, it's time for me to go." Snowy said "See you later," as the smaller lake wyvern flew out the door. "Now we can go to the beach," said Firewing happily. Snowy sighed.
The two dragons flew to the beach, and passed the tall, gray wall of rocks bordering the area near the beach. "I wonder what it's for," thought Firewing as the two flew over it. They landed in the warm yellow sand by the ocean. There were dragons in all colors, shapes, sizes, and ages lying in the sand and swimming in the water. As the two wyverns walked through the mass of tails and legs and outspread wings, they noticed a familiar white shape circling in the sky ahead, over the sea. "Hey, I think that's Storm," said Firewing, pointing at the flying dragon. The white dragon was watching the two with her flame-orange eyes, and swooped down like a falcon, and landed on the yellow sand. "Hello," said Storm. "Hi," replied Firewing, "What are you doing at the beach?" Storm gave a small laugh. "I'm just hanging around," answered the white sky dragon. "Have you ever went swimming?" asked Snowy. "Nah, I'm a sky dragon, not a sea dragon. I'm just here for the scenery. See you later!" said Storm, as she rocketed back up into the sky. "I'm going to swim," said Firewing, as she jumped into the water. The dragon closed her second pair of clear eyelids so she could see clearly through the water. She swam through the water by using her wings and legs as flippers, her glowing yellow eyes illuminating the water. She swam into the deeper depths, where the water was too deep for her to stand up on her hind paws, and rose up for a breath. As a dragon, Firewing could hold her breath for a longer time without coming up for a breath than a human, up to three minutes.
Firewing slid through the water, agile as a fish, until she saw a shape out in the distance. It had a long body like an eel, and spiky-looking fins like a freshwater fish. However, it had 8 glowing points on its face, unlike an fish Firewing had seen or heard of. She assumed those were its eyes. The creature took a turn and disappeared into the depths. She surfaced, and thought about the strange fish-serpent she had spotted. She swam back to shore, unsure about whether the creature was dangerous of not. After crawling back onto the beach, she considered telling Snowy about the thing, but came to the conclusion that it might have just been her imagination. The green dragon spotted a familiar pink dragon out in the distance. "Coral!" she called, half running, half flying over to the pink dragon. "Hello, Firewing," greeted Coral. A blue dragon who had been previously napping in the sand trotted over to Coral and shouted "Hey, Coral! Can I have your autograph!" before sitting down with his front paws held together in a begging position. Coral rolled her eyes, and said "Can you, like, not?" Coral turned to Firewing. "Let's go to a better place to talk, where we can both be at peace. Hop on." The pink dragon lied down in the sand, and the smaller green dragon climbed on her yellow-spiked back. "Okay, where do you have in mi-" said Firewing, cut off as Coral accelerated to the speed of a cheetah, dashing across the beach, jumping over dragons coiled up in the sand. Finally, the dragon stopped at a tall, seaside cliff, covered in strange rock formations resembling dragon scales. "Here," said Coral, lying down again to let Firewing off. "They call this place Sea Dragon Cliff. Because the weird rocks, I guess. I wonder what could have caused the rock to form like this. They're smooth, and shaped just like dragon scales. The whole rock part cliff is like this. The rest is just piled-up dirt" Firewing looked around. "Weird," she said. "Anyways," said Firewing, "I saw something in the water, it was kinda like a fish, I mean, I could see fins on it, but it had 8 glowing yellow spots on its head, eyes I think. Do you know what it is? I mean, you live in the ocean, so you probably see all sorts of weird fish like that." Coral wrapped her tail around her, and her pupils tightened to hair-thin slits for a second. "Oh, do I ever know what those horrible things are. You're lucky it didn't see you, smell you, or feel your aura. If it had, it would have done the most horrible things to you. It's an ancient evil, a thing that's been tormenting us since the creation of time and before. It was without a doubt, a leviathan." Firewing had heard of leviathans, the ancient arch-enemies of the dragons. "Don't they have their own universe, the Oceanic Realm? They aren't supposed to live in the Dragon Realm, I don't think," said Firewing, "They don't," answered Coral, "But because the dragons are the only thing standing in the way of their total domination of all of space, time and creation, they send scouts here, to see what we're doing. The one you saw was probably one of them." Firewing swished her tail nervously."What's the point of the scouts?" asked Firewing, uncomfortable. "They basically watch for times when the dragons are particularly weak, and they tell the other leviathans that it's time to start a raid," said Coral. Raids are bloody battles where the leviathans invade out shores, and they happen multiple times a year. All the leviathans you see are sent by Queen Aquaria of the South-West Region and oh boy, do I have a bone to pick with her," Coral pointed her tail towards her missing wing. "So, uh, is there anything good going on today?" nervously asked Firewing. "Well, the leviathans more than likely aren't going to raid us today, because the Dracacean Guard is good at messing up leviathans and Aquaria knows it. I'd consider that good," answered Coral. "I could probably come over for dinner if your friend allows it, as well." The two walked back from the cliff side by side, and together, all 3 dragons walked home and ate dinner together.
old trash please don't read
FantasíaTHIS BOOK IS OLD AND TRASH AND I ONLY REPOSTED IT TO SHOW A FRIEND HOW BAD IT IS! oi this is getting a new cover soon Book 1 of The Epic Misadventures Of Firewing series In the magical alternate world known as the Dragon Realm, a land where dragons...