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It was December 3, 2017, a calm day.

Firewing sat at the desk in the family room. Something small, about the size of a gluestick, with white feathers bumped into her wing, laying on the desk, and meeped

Firewing looked down to see Winter, newborn daughter of Snowy and Snake. Winter was only three days old, but she already had a passion for exploring. "You two seem to be getting along pretty well already," joked Coral, from the living room. Winter cocked her head to the side. She was beautiful. She had white feathers, with little bands of pale blue scales, and the dolphin tail and head feathers of her mother. Her eyes were a pale blue, with white pupils. Her most distinguishing feature, by far, was the pattern of blue scales in the shape of a snowflake on her chest. Winter meeped again. 

Snowy and Snake, now mates, entered the room, gliding together side by side. They landed on the desk, and Winter scurried to them. "Hello," said Snowy to Winter. Snowy turned to Firewing. "I'm glad it's all over. I don't think I would be able to handle any more adventures." Snake huffed. "I guess it's kinda nice to have peace for once instead of flying about the woods, staying safe every day like I used to do with my cousin, but I still want to search for her some day." Winter meeped again. "I'm used to adventure, considering it's my job," said Coral.

The past four months had been the craziest time in Firewing's entire life. She had moved in with a dragon from the Arctic, fought off an arvykx- twice-, befriended Coral the Undying, dealt with the threat of Snowy mating with a untrustworthy dragon, got lost in the jungle, narrowly escaped a swampfish while riding on Coral, saved a mechwing flock from a killer snake, and defeated a leviathan army. 

Now, things were looking up. Snowy now had a family. Firewing had plenty of new friends. Things had been peaceful for the last few days.

Still, Firewing couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't yet over.

There were still adventures yet to come. 

Firewing was sure of it.


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