Forbidden Friendship

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I've said this dozens of times but I guess I'll say it again because this keeps coming to my attention. I did NOT want to put this here but because of the constant harassment I have no choice. "Forbidden friendship" this chapter was NOT stolen from "Our Forbidden affairs" that story was taken from this story without permission or credit until it was far too late. I did not recieve credit until the story grossed more views than mine. I wasn't given credit until I had been accused of stealing and had to track down the author myself. This story was written 5 years before "Our Forbidden Affairs" was even posted on

The monologues of both stories are just WAY too word for word and its gotten to the point where I'm just uncomfortable with it. All my stories are my original ideas. I usually don't mind if people are inspired by my stories but this is honestly the worst. It's been 3 years and I am still being accused of stealing a story that was my original idea, just because they read the rip off first.

I'm genuinely pissed off that I have to explain this over and over again. Go look at "Our Forbidden Affairs" albeit it being 5 YEARS TOO LATE, the fucking credit is FINALLY there. After I went through hell and back just to get it.

Don't based your stories off of mine if you aren't going to give credit or ASK me first.

Thank you.

When Adrien starts to neglect poor Marinette, they end up getting more than what they bargained for at one of Paris' prestigious parties thrown by the very own Chloé Bourgeois herself.


It hurt.

She remembered that it hurt.
The moment she first saw him kiss her. It killed her.
Although it had been a few months since Marinette found out that Adrien was now dating the infamous Chloé Bourgeois, she still couldn't help but to cringe at the sight.

'I know you belong to somebody new...'

Marinette sighed as she stared at her handwriting. She immediately wanted to crumble the paper and throw it out.
She couldn't give this crap to him, especially if she was dating someone herself. She missed her friend terribly.
It struck Marinette as off that Adrien stomached Chloé enough to date her.
It didn't help that she was always around either. Marinette barely got to spend time with Adrien. Chloé never allowed him to be around Marinette, so the image of her friend became less and less.
It was almost insane how much she missed him.
Of course, Marinette didn't allow herself to dwell on what could have been. She moved on, too. Perhaps not completely, but she tried.
Marinette took a chance on someone who was nice, and took a liking to her, perhaps the only one who didn't hate her by now.

Marinette crumbled the paper.
She couldn't understand the point of sending him these notes. She was sure that Chloé had already seen some of which she sent to him, not that Marinette had even signed any of them, but she was more than positive that Chloé hadn't let Adrien keep them. It was becoming useless.

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