The Lion's Den

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After struggling with a few situations of her own, Marinette wonders if the female orgasm is a myth.

Unbeta'd sorry for any grammatical errors

   Sex therapy

It wasn't something Marinette was too keen on but she did have an open mind.

Orgasms weren't really the highlight of her life, but she did have a bit of a worry that it was impossible.
She didn't have sex often, probably one or two, but she did have difficulty reaching happy town.
Never in a million years did Marinette think that sex would be one of her vexatious issues.
It was a utter nuisance. It shouldn't have been an issue at all. She didn't understand why she cared about it so much.

Everyone was having sex.
Everyone was talking about how great it was.
Everyone was talking about how amazing they felt after an orgasm.

Or at least thats what it felt like.
It was either the men she had weren't doing it right, or there was a huge possibility that something was wrong with her.

Marinette made it a priority to not be jealous of her friends, but she was so envious of Alya.

Of course they shared everything together, so when Alya lost her virginity, Marinette was the first to hear about it. Marinette saw first hand how it brought them closer.

Not sparing the details, Marinette also learned about the experience all in itself.
  She knew that Alya and Nino had reached such a peak it was mind boggling, and Marinette wanted that.

Perhaps it was the lack of connection.
Marinette lost her virginity to Luka, and she didn't regret it, but she didn't exactly find it to be mind boggling.
He was leaving for America, and they dated for quite some time. He was her first love that actually reciprocated her feelings.
Sure, she did have feelings for Adrien but there was nothing between them.
  Of course after awhile, Luka came into the picture, and those feelings for Luka faded.

The first night she had slept with Luka, it was very awkward. He had to leave early in the morning, and Marinette was under enormous stress. She knew she couldnt take all night, there was no foreplay, and because Marinette truly loved him she allowed him to be the first guy ever to have her.

But there was no pleasure in it. There was no connection. Marinette felt like it was just something she had to get done so he could remember her before he left.

Surely it wasn't really necessary but even then she couldn't feel anything from him.
Overtime she questioned her love for Luka. Nothing did compare to her feelings for Adrien but it didn't matter. Adrien never loved her back.

Then there was Nathaniel.

He was a nice boy. Marinette enjoyed courting him for a little bit. Having already knowing the ropes, she wasn't too nervous or scared to get into sex when it came to him.

It wasn't Nathan's fault. He wasn't too experienced either, and it made the entire situation awkward.
  There were times where his hip movements were so rigid and awkward that it hurt her.

There was a full and comfortable feeling, and Nathan would go from soft and pliable to grunting and pushing until his cock would brush up in places that felt like anything but pleasurable.
Marinette recalled herself having to stop midway through.

Aside from that, the connection she had with Nathan wasn't anything to boast about, and when she had asked him to go down, he attempted so with such trepidation and an awkward gawk it made her embarrassed for even asking.

So with such a guilty feeling inside of her she couldn't allow Nathan to go down on her. She didn't want to force him to do something he didn't want.

But his glances was enough to wash away any lust and desire from Marinette, but before the night was over he was humping her like a dog in heat. She figured she may as well get it over with.

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