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When love isn't reciprocated, two heart broken lovers turn to each other to fill the loneliness.


   Ladybug didn't love him.
He had to accept it. She loved someone else...

   He was lonely, the only person that ever made him feel like he was human was her. But now that he knew she didn't want him, and was never going to love him, he really felt alone.
    He could vaguely remember seeing Marinette on her balcony crying until she couldn't breathe.
He remembered comforting her, and she confided to him that she had heart trouble.
He rememebered when he agreed to meet up with her, and they made that promise.

The promise that they were both going to see each other. If in the end if the people they loved finally reciprocated, they'd call this off forever.

They were both lonely, and the emptiness they felt was unbearable, but the pain felt so good.

They were just using each other. Desperate to fill the void. Chat Noir used Marinette for the love he lacked from Ladybug, and Marinette used Chat Noir for the lack of love from Adrien.  As long as they both understood that, it would be okay right?

Understanding one another, it was their decision to never speak of the ones they loved, they wanted it to feel more authentic other wise there would be no point.

An unbearable ache sworn into Chat Noir's chest, and he soon found himself at her balcony.

    His clawed fingertips ran across the trap door. The wind blew through his hair as he just needed someone. He couldn't stand the silence anymore. It was killing him.
Marinette slowly opened the door, a grimace on her face.

"Hey..." she hummed, looking up at him. She already knew why he was here. If it was only for a little while. Its just to fill the loneliness.


Chat Noir stared at the computer screen blankly. He was numb, he was indifferent.
   He mindlessly clicked at the computer mouse. His eyes moved across the screen of Marinette's computer.
Sure he could play computer games at home, but somehow it felt a little better to have someone else in his room with him.
Plagg was his best friend, but he was no good at comforting whenever Adrien became visibly upset.

Marinette and Chat Noir made out quite a bit. It wasn't the first person he kissed, and he wasn't sexually experienced but he read a lot of graphic manga to know enough. He knew Marinette was completely clueless. But he always guided her. They never really had sex before, but kissing kept them at bay.
   Marinette sat on her chaise lounge chair beside the computer. She watched him tentatively. The same emptiness he felt, she felt the same way.

Was it bad? They both knew what they were thinking.

Chat froze as he felt her arms slowly wrap around his neck from behind.
   Marinette pressed her face into the side of his neck, not uttering a word.
She knew what he needed.
He just needed to be held. Perhaps if she gave him this, he would return the favour. Heaven knows she needed it too. He placed his hand over hers as they intersected at the middle of his chest.

It was silent again. Marinette closed her eyes, enjoying his warmth. Every night or so Marinette tried to convince herself that she didn't need him. She had ripped off every photo she owned of Adrien. She didn't need him.

She didn't need Chat...
She didn't need anyone.
Her eyes slowly opened, glossening over his jawline.

She didn't need him...

And just in that moment, her mouth was on his.
Chat Noir caught his breath, a deep blush coating his cheeks as he didn't expect her to suddenly kiss him.

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