Two cats and a Multimouse

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   Marinette and Chat Noir get more than what they bargained for when a stranger enters their room.

I apologize for any grammatical errors.
Please enjoy

Marinette curled into Chat Noir.

It had been some time since they both started dating. He was well aware that she was Ladybug, and often times she'd mess around. She'd transform and leave, just to have him wander out and find her.
  It was a little came they played.
She was the mouse, and he was the cat. Quite literally.

    Chat stretched, leaning into her with a small smile. He nuzzled into his princess. It was a godsend. 

    He kissed his sleeping beauty softly and pulled the covers up over them diligently. He wanted to keep his lady warm.
She shivered along side him as a cold breeze swept through the room and straight across from them.
Chat groaned, his green eyes glancing back at a window that had been opened.

He furrowed his brow. He didn't remember opening that window. Did Marinette open it at some point during the night?

Hesistant, the hero climbed out of bed and wandered across the room to close the window.

Marinette felt the hero climb out of bed and she just didn't feel like moving.
    Unbeknownst to them both a certain white Chat had made his appearance.
   His hands hovered over the sleeping bluenette and gently touched down her sides. Swiftly, his claws slid underneath the blanket to touch her skin.
Marinette whimpered, feeling the Cats claw run over her nipples and then down her stomach. He poked a finger underneath her panties, running straight down to her sex to tease her clit.

Chat Noir secured the window, being mindful that it was locked before turning around.
His eyes widened as he spotted Chat Blanc toying with his princess underneath the sheets. His heart raced, watching another man touch and please his Lady.

Marinette whimpered as Chat Blancs fingers thrust into her gently. The white feline grinned, a cocky feeling running straight to his groin as her walls clamped down around his digit.

Chat Noir hissed slightly and he stormed toward the bed. He pushed Chat Blanc from Marinette, a hiss leaving his lips. His tail waved behind him erratically, his eyes narrowed at the white-clad male.

Chat Blanc grinned as he clearly ticked a nerve within the hero. He hummed and he edged toward Chat Noir, completely unfazed.
“What? Don’t like seeing that your princess prefers me?~” he teased with a giggle, clearly seeing annoyance and anger building up behind Chat Noir’s emerald eyes.

Marinette slowly opened her eyes, she sat up slightly and rubbed her eyes, still feeling his claw poking around inside of her.
  "Chat?" She asked, blinking as she looked at the both of them.

The pair looked down at Marinette, and without even giving Chat Noir a chance, Chat Blanc leaned down and cupped the bluenette’s cheek with his free hand. Chat Noir glared at Chat Blanc, his tail still waving behind him in huge annoyance.
Marinette blushed deeply as he spoke to her. She gulped slightly looking over at her kitty who seemed annoyed.
  "Are you okay?" She asked, reaching for his hand.

Chat Noir looked at his love, and he pouted. He glared over at Chat Blanc.
“I didn’t expect a visitor, that’s all.” He hissed, his eyes narrowing at Chat Blanc. Chat Blanc seemed to be enjoying the fact he annoyed Chat Noir. He hummed and he leaned toward Marinette.
“Ignore him. He’s just jealous that I’m inside of you~” he chimed with a grin, his fingers sliding back down and curling inside of her, his claw digging into her wall.

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