A shy boy and his Lady

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Ladybug gathers the courage to check in on Adrien during one her routine patrols.


Adrien sighed as he sat down on his rather large yet restful bed. It had been some time since he actually had a full night's sleep. The night sky had so much to offer as it gleamed outside of Adrien's colossal bedroom window. Plagg emanated from the blankets to glare at Adrien.
The night sky only ever seemed to make Adrien think.
It wasn't like Adrien didn't think of other important matters. He did have a father, that kept him under constant scrutiny. He also had a job that demanded well of him.
He wasn't complaining, but he wasn't too enthralled with the situation either.
This night was different.
The air was a lot more warmer, with summer approaching Adrien found that the akuma attacks had become for frequent. More people were out, and more were vulnerable to disappointment and anger. This time around, like many other times, Ladybug managed to save Adrien. Not Adrien as Chat Noir, but Adrien himself. He had always taken a liking of her ability, and it was her courage and perspective that had drawn him to her in the first place.
Plagg seemed dismissive towards Adrien as he excused himself from the room, leaving Adrien alone with his thoughts. Adrien sighed as he leaned back against the bed with a furrow of his brow. He had been enduring a tough week, he just needed something to be completely okay for once. For this night, he was grateful that it was calmer than most. Maybe this time he could actually get some sleep.
He closed his eyes, the image of nearly being killed, replayed over and over and over behind his eyelids.
Adrien relaxed into the sheets, turning into his side. He slowly opened his eyes, his eyes trailing off to a light blue scarf hanging off his computer chair.
With a weary smile, Adrien closed his eyes once more, his mind clouding back to Ladybug. It wasn't the first time he's wondered who she really was.
Many of the times, Adrien imposed it was one of his classmates...it just had to be.
Which one? He couldn't actually tell, but he knew it could have been anyone.
Adrien breathed evenly as sleep began to cloud his mind.
He relaxed every aching muscle in his body.
It wasn't until he heard a small knock on his window that he began to tense up.
With a swift swallow, Adrien sat up twisting his head in the direction of the window.
He could almost feel his heart quicken in his throat the moment his green orbs took in a skinny figure covered in a tantalizing and porous attire.
He couldn't breathe. Was it all in his mind or was she actually there?
Ladybug stood behind the glass of his window, her cheeks red from the warm gusts of winds from the outside. She looked at Adrien through the glass, almost timidly as she placed her hand on the pane.
Ladybug herself didn't know what had gotten into her. She was well aware that she could have possibly been intruding Adrien on his sleep. She knew he had a pretty tight day, she knew because she had to save him about once or twice.
But most importantly, Ladybug just wanted to see if he was okay. She watched him as he slowly approached the window his hands lightly shaking as he looked at her tentatively through the glass. He undid the latch, opening it to allow her inside.
Ladybug smiled bashfully as she helped herself inside. She pressed her lips together as her own heart thumped painfully in her chest.
Her eyes naturally surveyed his room on their own will.
As ladybug she could only ever recall seeing his room about once or twice. Despite the very few times she's seen it, she still couldn't bring herself to grow used to it.
Adrien cleared his throat, his hands growing slightly sweaty as he inwardly fan-girled.
Ladybug was in his room. She was alone, here with him. It was night, and she smelled of the warm outside air.
Ladybug looked at him with solemn eyes, completely unaware of Adrien's current predicament. She offered him a taut smile, her chest raising in equilibrium as she breathed.
“Is everything alright?” She asked softly, concealing the slight quiver in her voice as it threatened to ebb as it always did when she was around Adrien, whether she was Marinette or Ladybug. She needed as much as time as she could to get used to being under the mask. She was well aware that Adrien didn't know who she really was. Even so, she worried about embarrassing herself in front of him.
Adrien bit his lip as he felt himself relax. Her voice brought him back down to earth after he had been flying for so long. He rubbed the back of his neck as the pictures of previous events began to roll back in to his mind once more.
“Y-yeah...everything is okay.” Adrien spoke, slightly wincing at a newly formed bruise on the side of his neck. Adrien didn't notice it before, because the pain that shot up the side of his neck came up as surprising the moment his fingers brushed against the surface.
Ladybug immediately noticed this, and she slowly approached him.
“What is it?” She asked timidly, her gloved hands carefully touching his jaw, turning it to it's side.
Adrien breathed, his breath throwing off at the contact she had graced to him.
He nodded sheepishly, his own hand catching hers in a moment of solidarity as their eyes connected.
"It's...just a bruise." He murmured softly.
Ladybug continued to look at Adrien, a strange warmth pooling into her stomach.
She stood beside herself on the matter.
She wanted to move closer, she really did. Part of her wondered if she'd take that chance and how Adrien would feel about it.
Marinette breathed evenly as she carefully stepped closer, her own heart racing as Adrien welcomed her.
It was that simple gesture that sent a rush through her veins. In that moment she felt herself grow more bolder than ever.
A sly smile curled upon her lips as she stepped closer, pressing her body against his.
She nearly shivered along side him on impact. The warmth of his skin seemed to emanate through the porous suit that held itself to her body.
Adrien placed his hands on her hips, his own muscles shaking as she lined her body along with his.
With a gulp, Ladybug reached up and touched his face. A surge of courage began to swim through her veins behind the mask.
Adrien looked down at her, his heart beating faster as she leaned forward to kiss him.
Adrien trembled as her lips touched his softly. Her head angled carefully as she deepened the kiss. Adrien could feel the fireworks work their way up and down his spine.
Ladybug brushed her fingers through the soft tufts of hair that led to the nape of his neck. Adrien shivered at the contact. Ladybug felt just as nervous as Adrien. She breathed evenly as Adrien shyly plowed his tongue into her mouth. Ladybug gasped lightly, opening her mouth and allowing him inside.
The air remained still as nothing could be heard except the synchronized whispers of their lips.
Adrien could feel the sudden lust coursing through his veins as he held her waist, pulling her closer in a brave moment.
Ladybug groaned at the sudden force, her body pressing against him at their hips, leaving no space between them. Adrien shivered in mounting pleasure from the sinful squeak the emanated from his lady's mouth. He couldn't remember the last time he's felt this much excitement, or how long he has waited to hear that noise from her.
He couldn't deny the immediate discomfort that began to conform to his pants. Ladybug couldn't deny the unmistakable moisture that pooled between her legs in an aching need.
Immediately, Adrien began to panic, he allowed the kiss to intensify, but it surprised him of how easy it was for him to pop a boner.
This was Ladybug after all. Could anyone blame him?
Adrien awkwardly, moved his hips away from Ladybug to which she didn't seem too appreciative of.
Their lips separated hesitantly, and they both sighed. Hers was more of a disappointment, his was more of an embarrassment. Ladybug rubbed the back of her neck as Adrien shifted uncomfortably. Her lips remained red and swollen from the kiss and she tried to steady her breathing.
“W-Was that too much? Are you alright?” She murmured softly.
Adrien tugged at his pants and nodded. “Y-yeah. You were perfect, Ladybug..” He breathed.
Ladybug wanted to reach out to him, to grab him into her arms once more, but decided against it.
Adrien blushed, as he turned awkwardly to hide his erection.
“Ladybug, I-” He cut himself off, pondering what he wanted to say. The words died on his tongue as her eyes grew wide. Her cheeks grew increasingly pink under the mask.
“I-is that...?” Her voice trailed off as her eyes traveled down to the crotch of his pants.
Adrien couldn't feel his fingertips. His heart pounded faster that what his breath could catch. He almost felt the numbness in his scalp as his words of apologies slipped away from his tongue.
“Ladybug- I-I'm sorry. I-didn't—I can-- I'm sorry.” He stuttered.
He couldn't even his own words this time around, he just knew that she remained quiet, he continued to apologize like a buffoon.
Ladybug looked at him, her eyes connecting with his, as the blood rushed to the surface of her skin in a deep blush.
Adrien eventually remained quiet, her silence internally killing him.
Why isn't she saying anything?
Say something!
He fucked up, there was no way he could make it up to her. This was one mistake he could not undo.
He looked away and tried his best to breathe evenly through the aching silence between the two of them. Adrien could hear the blood in his ears as she shifted, her hand slowly running down his sides before she dropped to her knees.
Adrien felt his heart shot straight into his throat as he glared at her in this new compromising position.
“Ladybug, What--” His voice was cut off the moment she looked up at him, hushing him immediately.
Adrien tried to remain still, he really did. The feel of Ladybug tugging at his pants nearly drove him insane. He was convinced that there was no way she was doing what his sinful mind imagined what she'd be doing.
Ladybug looked up at him, heat pooling between her legs as she released his throbbing erection from the confines of his jeans.
Adrien hissed, his fists clenching as he could feel her breath caress his skin.
Adrien wanted to speak, but the words got caught in his throat. Marinette had no idea where the courage came from, but then again she was sure it was two parts of the mask, and three parts her heroine essence.
With lightly shaking hands, she gripped on to his girth with tentative ease.
Adrien withheld a moan by biting his lip. He could feel himself throbbing in her hand and he was sure he was going to cum right then and there.
“Ladybug...Y-You really don't have to.” He sputtered in embarrassment, his hands trembling as Ladybug stroked him thoughtfully.
She lightly licked her lips in anticipation as her eyes trailed back down to his throbbing girth.
“Trust me..” She breathed, her lips almost brushing against the tip of his dick with eagerness.
“I want to do this...”
Adrien slowly opened his eyes, courageously looking down at Ladybug.
And with that, she carefully took him into the small cave of her mouth. Her brow furrowed slightly at the odd taste, but the moment she heard his cry, it only seemed to encourage her to continue going.
Adrien breathed out, his body aching the moment he felt her tongue glide along his shaft. He clenched his fists even tighter as she slowly started an aching slow pace with her head.
He could feel the muscles in his lower stomach tense as his hips began to move on their own. Adrien gripped the ripple in his jeans.
He needed to keep his hands occupied, he refused to allow themselves into her hair. His knuckles began to turn white.
Ladybug squeezed her eyes shut, one hand resting on his thigh and the other massaged whatever length she couldn't fit into her mouth. Her hand carefully gave small strokes, leaning in closer, taking him to the back of her throat. She carefully held herself against him, her legs trembling as she could feel her entrance drip with an aching heat. She pulled back, giving small licks at the tip before easing down him again.
Adrien bit his lip, his hips moving in sync with her head. It was when she intentionally placed his hands into her hair, that his fingers interlaced with her dark locks.
He tried to be gentle, he really did. Before he knew it, he was moving into her mouth with an aching thrust. Ladybug held on to his thigh, looking up at him briefly as she shivered at the sound of his moans. She massaged his thigh thoughtfully as she attempted to keep the pace that he was setting.
Her eyes widened in curiosity as she could feel his shaft throb against her tongue. With a devious smirk she took him to the back of her throat.
Adrien immediately released her hair.
“Ladybug... I-I'm- I-I'm going to-” He could feel himself growing dangerously close. If she continued he'd be cumming in her mouth, which was something he wasn't all too sure she was alright with.
“Ladybug!” He pleaded once more.
Ladybug only seemed to relax her mouth, keeping him there until he gasped, a thick stream roping against the crevices of her mouth with desperate ease.
Ladybug whimpered, the heat between her legs only flaming as she drank as much as her mouth could handle. She pulled off subtly with a cough, liquid slowly dripping down from the edges of her lips.
Adrien finally breathed out, his length growing soft. His legs trembled and he stumbled back on to the bed.
Ladybug smirked, carefully standing and wiping the liquid with her thumb.
She hummed as she sucked the liquid off her gloved digit.
“Not bad.” She breathed, her face flaming up slightly.
Adrien chuckled, sweat dampening at his hair line. He looked at her with cheeks just as red as hers.
“Your turn..”

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