5 Minutes Ago (AvaLance)

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Hey friends!

I want to focus more on growing my Wattpad account, so I will be hopefully putting more effort into my stories! I will be writing and posting a lot more one-shots, and even though they might start off a bit shorter, they will over time, becomes better and longer, as the laws of practice follows. So, it is also imperative that I get a lot of suggestions! New or active reader, friend or stranger, please comment RIGHT NOW a few Legends fic ideas! Literally just make something up off the spot if you have to, but the more ideas, the better. Even if you just have a cool story title or a ship you want to read, let me know. (I am open to writing all ships except if they go against AvaLance)

Thank you so much! I also plan to re-write my Avengers fan-fic and work on creating a Clexa shots. I also just started working on a 100 and Arrowverse AU Crossover, so that will be published in the upcoming months!

Now for the story!! This is part two from my previous AvaLance shot, if you were wondering. Honestly, you don't need to read it to understand this one, but the plot is continuous, so why not.

Here are the story details. Enjoy!
Word count: 1200
Setting: Starts at time Bureau

Immediately following Ava's exit, Sara and the Legends had discovered an anachronism in the 1600s. Zari had been watching Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing, when she noticed her favorite character, Beatrice, was now a guy... who still happened to be in love with Benedick, another guy.

With Gideon's help, the team found out that Shakespeare came out as gay, and therefore was compelled to have a homosexual couple in his comedy. Shakespeare has always been rumored to be gay, but now it was actually a fact.

The team spent the day taking care of that, and all Sara could think about was if the witch trials of the time would have accused Shakespeare of something. Men were rarely on trial for such accusations, but public figures always get the worst of it, she thought. Of course, the mission got complicated, as usual, but in the end, the Legends could return home.

Now early in the evening, Ava was about to call it a night when Gary walked in with some distressing news.

"Director Sharpe?" The agent questions, waiting timidly with a tablet in his hand.

"Yes, Gary? Make it fast if you wouldn't mind, I was planning on taking Sara on a surprise date night."

"Ooh, where to?"

"Focus, Gary."

"Yes, sorry right." Gary almost whimpered. "Um, the legends took a level 5 mission this morning without running it by us. The last update I got was that it had reached a level 10." Gary gulped.

"Since this morning! And you tell me now!?" Ava almost yelled.

"Hey! Not my fault! Gideon masked their activity. I was just able to break through it five minutes ago!"

"You have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! AGAIN!? If they aren't back-"

"Back, yes, we're back!" The voice of someone running down the hall arose. Sara turned the corner to find an angry Ava. "Sorry super sorry. Technical difficulties. Zari was updating our servers and she needed to unblock our signal, output, so she put the mask on us while she figured that out. Again, super sorry." Sara squished her face up waiting for an outburst from the director.

"It's ok." Ava breathed. "You're fine. Sorry, I just was ready to go home. Zari also mentioned that to me earlier, now that I think about it. Whoops." Ava shooed Gary away.

"Sorry about that." The two women welcomed each other with a small kiss before making their way out of the building.

"Ok, forgetting all of that, how was your day?" Ava wrapped her arm around Sara.

"It was the usual. We got to go back to the Elizabethan era, though. Shakespeare had come out as gay, which sadly we had to be fixed. Mick got lost in England and Gideon couldn't find him. He was just at the bar, though." That made Ava laugh, which made Sara happy. "What about you, how was your day?" The two girls ducked into Ava's car.

"Oh it was fine. Got a lot of work done and my meeting wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, but I survived." Ava gave a slight pause. "But I uhh, was disappointed that I had to ruin our moment this morning." The director quipped. Sara's cheeks flushed, recalling the memory from earlier.

"Oh, yeah?" Sara hushed and smirked, leaning into Ava's upper jawline to give her a soft suck on a weak spot of the director's. Sara placed her hand on the taller blonde's upper thigh, trailing trickles of kisses down to her collarbone.

Ava allowed herself to relax into the moment, purely focusing on the contact coming from the assassin, allowing a quiet moan to escape in the process. Sara heard this and smirked. Meanwhile, Ava tried to pull Sara's lips up to hers, but the legend immediately pulled away.

"But dinner first, I'm hungry." Sara grinned and giggled as she saw the disbelief rush onto the poor director's face, understanding that this would come back to haunt her.

"I hate you." Ava huffed, pulling the seatbelt across her body.

"Sure you do." Sara too, buckled in and pulled up her phone. "Any thoughts on what to eat?"

"That's funny."


"Oh, nothing. I just thought that it would be your job to figure out dinner since you were the one to bring up food." Ava huffed and ignored eye contact with her girlfriend.

"You-" Sara said, stunned by the quip.

"Are waiting to hear an answer, Ms. Lance."

"Fine." Sara licked her lips. "We could go to the diner, or tonight is pizza night back on the waverider?" Sara suggested as Ava drove out of the parking lot.

"I- are you ever going to cook at home? I mean- no judgement, but I don't think you've used the stovetop once in the time that you have moved in." Ava looked at the woman in her passenger's seat.

"You know I can't cook, Aves. That is asking a lot of me. Anyways, I thought that was more of your thing."

"Oh what, so when you asked me my thoughts on dinner you expected me to make a home cooked meal for you?"

"N- N- no... That's just what you like to do! I'm happy to go to a restaurant if you want to!"

"Well it's whatever you suggest, remember?"

"Well- that's not fair." Sara huffed.

"I think it is absolutely fair." Ava glanced over as they pulled up to a stoplight.

"Ok then. How about..." Sara paused. "How about you teach me to cook something. Then eventually, Ill know how to make dinner too." Sara actually smiled at the thought of having an activity to do with Ava.

"Now that- sounds like a plan." Ava leaned over and placed a kiss on her girlfriend's cheek.

"Does that mean I am forgiven?" Sara almost whispered.

"Ill think about it. In the meantime, pull up my pinterest and find a meal you're interested in. Ill get us over to the supermarket. " Ava handed over her phone for Sara to browse while she drove off to the grocery.

Ok so I did not expect this to get as long as it actually did, therefore there will be a part three! Yay! Considering I was able to get this up two days following part one, look for the next part in a day or two!

NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) does start tomorrow though, so i will be focusing more of my writing time on that. Otherwise, I wil try to have at least one part posted every week!

If you haven't left a shot idea, please do so now!

Thanks so much! Cya later :)

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