I Thought You We're Straight (Zarlie)

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Hey, Friends. The TAB key was being a bitch so sorry about that. Nora and Nate are not on the ship and Wally is. Short and sweet so let's get straight to it! Ooh and I slipped in a lil AvaLance so... :)

Word Count: 3050



"Shit. Seriously, again?" Sara groaned. "Ava and I will go fetch Constan-"


"Ok, Ava. Fine. ILL go fetch Constantine BY MYSELF. Ava, you and Zari will go and join the boys to deal with the Pegasus. And, Charlie and Nora, back-up." Sara sighed and sped off to the jump ship, while everyone else remained idle around the monitors.

"Well go on then, you heard the Captain," A smirk formed on Charlie's face as the rest of the ladies sped off to attend to their assignment.

The team had just crossed paths with a Pegasus, a relative of the Unicorn... which meant that the newest fugitive also had its own hallucinogenic sparkle sauce, with a twist, of course. The 'sparkle sauce' of a Pegasus is a knock-out drug featuring your deepest desires. Luckily, no one on the team had been hit yet, but the creature was no joke.

The anachronism showed up at the Atlanta 1996 Olympics with reports claiming that athletes were going to extreme measures to get 1st place, just to have their hearts gouged out just before the awards ceremony. A big massacre, supposedly. The 'extreme measures' were due to viewing their deepest desires, so all that could mean for the biggest competitors out there was insanity. 

The Legends just had no idea what was coming for them.


"Wally, get behind the Pegasus. Ray and Zari, take either side." We'll be ready for whenever Cons-" Ava is cut short. "Well speak of the devil."

"Hello, Pet." John Constantine waltzes out of a portal, followed by Sara Lance. By the time John had made his dramatic entrance, the rest of the team had secured the creature, being sure to not lock eyes with the fugitive, which is how it's sparkle sauce was released. "Alright then, let's get to it."

"Just hurry, John," Sara strained.

"You lot are no fun." He takes his time in opening his spell book and reciting the incantation, really to annoy Sara, though. Soon enough, a glowing, gaping hole had split open in thin air, beginning to pull the creature down to the underside. The team was still holding the Pegasus down, but the fugitive couldn't even dream of escaping now.

"OK! Everyone let go and push on three!" Zari commands, who is standing at the head of the demonic breed. "One, two, THREE!" At once, everyone who had a grip on the Pegasus let go and stepped back to watch the creature finish the journey down, remembering what happened to Gary when he stood too close to the portal the last time. Except for Zari. She forgot. 

As a last effort, the pegasus leaped back and attacked the totem bearer. Just like Gary. This time, though, the victim had locked eyes with the winged horse and was hit with a splash of sparkle sauce. The whole room fell silent, all witnesses waiting for a reaction from the victim.

"AhhhggGGGHH. DAMMIT!" Zari yelled and stomped as the hellhole snapped shut. "EVERY DAMN TIME!" Zari stormed over to Ava, unclipped her time courier and opened a portal to the Waverider. Just before she disappeared, she turned around. "I parked the ship in the next town over. Have fun." She grumbled and the portal zipped up, leaving the remaining team members courier-less and in the middle of the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.

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