It's either me... or my friends...
Those were his last words.
Army is the Leader of Team Orange and a proud member of the S4. So why would he stop communicating with them? What is going on in Inkopolis? What is happening that they don't know?
This i...
Army awoke from his bed in a miserable state. He hadn't slept well for weeks and he'd never explain to anyone why. He walked down to the kitchen in the early crack of dawn. He turned on the kitchen faucet and began to cough up ink and blood, some of which was sanitized.
"I can't go back to that place! I just can't!! I'll end up like everyone else there, brainwashed, i-insane!" He had a frightened tone to his speech, "What am I supposed to do!? I can't tell them or. else. they'll be... killed...."
Army looked at his N Zap and grabbed it. "It's either me.... or my friends....."
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Then everything in his house went eerily silent.
About a month passed and no one had heard from Army. Nor had any of them found out what happened to him. "Oh so you haven't heard from him from him either?" Rider asked Skull. "I-I'm sorry but no.... I haven't...." he replied shakily. "It's not like Army to just abandon his friends and teammates like that," Rider said worried. "I'm gonna go check on him.... maybe he's just been hyper focused on his monthly manual writing...." Skull suggested. "Maybe... it's just, he has never acted the same way as before he got that new job...." Rider said. "Yeah, the last time we all saw him.... he wasn't his normal self" Skull said remembering what happened.
The last time they all saw him, was a meeting for strategy exchanges. "Ugh! What is taking Army so long, he knows we're having a meeting tonight!!" Rider griped. "But Army is never late, he is always on time," Specs said confused. "I'M GETTING IMPAAAAATIENT!!!" Mask grumbled. Army stumbled in a bit "h-hey guys... sorry I'm late...." he groaned. "There he is," Bobble said with a smile. "Hey... uh, why are you late... it's not like you," Aloha asked. "Sorry... I was just... um... at work..." he said. "You sure work a lot now" Headphones said sorrowfully. "ANYWAYS, HE'S HERE!!!" Bobble said jumping with excitement. Army screamed and backed away fast. "Oh my- I didn't mean to scare you.." Bobble sat back down. "ARE YOU OKAY!?" Goggles asked. "I don't think I've ever seen you so frightened before...." Skull said. "ESSSSSPECAILY OF BOBBLE" Mask added. "Yeah-" Army said. "So, how is your new job?" Specs asked. "N-new... Job?" Army asked fearfully. "Yeah... at that field research facility?" Specs asked. "Yeah... i-i... I got to go!!" Army suddenly ran outside. Everyone panicked and called out after him, but it was futile; Army had disappeared into the night.
"I'm gonna go find him..." Skull told Rider. "Good luck," Rider said before hanging up.
Skull made his way to Army's house and managed to come across Aloha. "Yo Skull, where you heading off to?" Aloha asked. "Oh... hey Aloha... I'm just going to see.... if I can talk to Army at his house...." Skull said. "Oh, he hasn't spoke to you either..?" "Yeah..." "I keep live streaming... but he never views them.... it's," Aloha fights tears, "ITS LIKE WE AREN'T FRIENDS ANYMORE!!!" "Don't worry, I'll go see what's wrong... I promise I'll ask about his reasons why...."
Skull approached Army's house and rung the door bell. "Army..?" He called "weird... he has mail still sitting out here...." He rings the door bell and called again. When he got no response he knocked on the door. "HUH.....? its.... unlocked....?" Skull pushed his way inside. "Army... are you-" Skull suddenly gasped. Army lay lifelessly on the floor before him. Ink everywhere. "ARMY!!!! ARMY WAKE UP!!!!! ARMY!!!! NO!!! NOO!!!! OH MY COD!!! he's.... dead...."