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        Panic filled the living room for Aloha's condo. Crying, worried mumbles, and sounds of deep fear strangled what was normally the sound of music, laughter, and causal banter. Terror attacked everyone with no mercy.

"EVERYONE CALM DOWN!!!!!" Nana shouted.

"How can we calm down, when we just witnessed a murder!" Moona sobbed.

"We have to remain calm or else they'll take advantage of our fears," Nana replied.

"But It's to emotional to not cry," Bobble weeped.
"Bobble.... are you crying?" Nana asked surprised.
"Well... I'm sad.... mostly because.... you're not sad!" Bobble said frowning.

"Me!? What about Mask!?" Nana asked.
"MASK CRIES ON THE INSIDE, NANA!!!" Bobble said still crying.

"It's truuuue..." Mask said not showing any sign of sorrow.

"Well, I suggest that we-" Nana started to say before the front door slammed wide open. There standing in the doorway was Emperor.

"NO BODY MAKE A SOUND!!!" he shouted, "I AM... absolutly miserable!!!"

Emperor collapsed onto the couch in despair.

"What's wrong your majesty?" Hachi asked.

"PRINZ HAS NOT RETURNED HOME!!! I SEARCHED THE SQUARE AND PLAZA FOR HIM!!! BUT I CAN'T FIND HIM ANYWHERE!!!" Emperor said, dramatically placing the back of his hand on his forehead.

"Prinz.... gone.... oh no.... what can we do?" Goggles asked.

"Nana and I were going to investigate the facility, " Aloha said.
"What facitliy?" Emperor asked.
"Army was employed at the place that has kidnapped the missing inklings...." Nana said sadly.
"Do you think they took my brother!?!" Emperor asked.
"It could be....." Skull said.

"Why would they take Prinz.... He is a well known inkling" Hachi asked.

"Let's go check this new Kamabo Co out!!" Nana said rushing out the door.
"HEY WAIT UP!!!" Aloha said racing after.

Soon Aloha and Nana arrived at the facility deep within the metro. Nana felt a swarm of bad memories re-surge in her. She is petrified in place.
"Hey... relax girl, your party bro Aloha has your back, and your hand~ uh if you get scared that is...." Aloha said with a chuckle.
"aww... You are so sweet. But less flirt more work," Nana laughed. She felt better that she wasn't alone. "so how do we get in?"
Aloha looks around, "Hey it's one of those doorbell intercoms!" he said. Nana pressed the button.

"State your business," a person said via the speaker in the doorbell.

"Hi we are here to see the manager of this place... um..." Nana said.

"What's your worker number?" the voice asked.
"Um... worker number?" Nana asked.
"You work here right?" the voice asked.

"n-no we are just here to visit... um," She said nervous.

"No visitors allowed, EVER!" they said. The intercom turned off.

"Huh, that's weird. No visitors?" Aloha said confused.
"It's Kamabo Co...." Nana said.
"But if you wanna reopen a company under the same name with a negotive past, you at least don't wanna look more shady than you already do in the metro," Aloha said, "because boy is it darker down here!"
"Why don't you use your persuasion?" Nana joked.
Aloha pressed the button, "Hey there fishcakes, I'm here ta speak to the big boss. and my worker number is 1622, Yeah!"

The main door opens. "Welcome back, " the voice said.
"Booyah! Piece of sweet victory!" Aloha said before entering. Nana followed close behind. Once they entered the door automatically shut behind them.

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