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"That'll be twenty-one dollars and sixty-three cents Mr. Harrison." I kindly smiled at him waiting for the payment for the gas I just put in his vehicle.

I took the money from his hands and gave him the change in my pockets. I headed back inside the grocery store to finish up unpacking the shipment that had just arrived this morning. I realized this was going to be another long day.
"Hey Scarlet, everything okay in here?" I looked over to the sound of my name and saw that Mrs. Gleeston was with her kids who were already running around in my store.

"Yeah, how has your morning been Mrs. Gleeston?" I walked over to proceed with a hug and shuffled Brandon's light-brown hair who was leaning against his mother.
"Well, you know these kiddos never let me have any fun, how's business lately?" In this small town everybody knew each other. I was the only grocery store in Mermain Waters that was in the middle of nowhere and I pretty much had from gas to clothing in my little store.

"Everything is the same as usual, i'm hoping tourists will come by here more often in the year, but you know how the buses are around here; they always stop at Cedar Mills beside the countryside." Mrs. Gleeston nods in agreement and starts naming her kids to follow her along to head out my store.
"Well I'll be praying for ya Scarlet dear, c'mon kiddos!" She grabs the couple of items she bought from me and heads out the door.

I walked to the cash register, behind the front desk to open the windows just a little to let out the cool breeze that was always present around here. I slowly closed my eyes and breathe in the fresh scent of Mermain Waters. I push myself a little further out the opening of the window and lean on the windowsill with my elbows.
I live for days like these, they were the only reason why I loved living here. So calm and quiet, except for the rowdy kids around here, but other than that, it was such a lovely town.

I suddenly feel warm, tender lips on mine and I don't even bother opening my eyes, figuring it was Kyle; my boyfriend. I let him softly make his way around the opening of my mouth and let his tongue swim around with mine. Mm, this was by far the best kiss I've gotten from him ever. He grabs the side of my face, leaning me closer to his and I can feel the sparks tingling from my toes all the way up to my spine.
Woah, where did Kyle get his kissing lessons from? This was so unlike him. I pushed further, almost bumping my head on the window and kissed harder; wanting more. Kyle really needed to come inside and treat me the way he's kissing right now.

I open my eyes calmly, still not able to make his face with the sun finally shining through my window straight into my eyes. I lean back a little to clear the sun from my face and suddenly come to the realization that it wasn't Kyle kissing me back.
Confused, I'm looking at a handsome man in a marine uniform whom has broad shoulders and muscles you can see through the material of his uniform. "Um..." That's all I could say and he walks around to enter inside my grocery store.
He walks inside the store with confidence, his eyes dominating mine as I'm carefully studying him from head to toe. Craving more of the lips that had just a second ago been on mine he proceeds to say, "Hey beautiful." He takes off his marine hat to be respectful and now I can see the short hair that has somewhat of a Mohawk style.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were my boyfriend Kyle; I didn't know it was someone else, you know this is a small town and I'm just so clumsy..." I keep on rambling as now he's studying me with his eyes. I start realizing that he's not really paying attention to the words that i'm saying; but he's going around the front desk to come closer to me.
I'm trembling, afraid of what this handsome man will do to me. A guy who's 6 feet tall can surely take over a 5'3 girl like me. If I scream, no one would hear for miles. He controls me with his lips one more time, grabbing my face closer to his and I can't resist him.

He turns me around and sits on my chair that I use to check out items for my customers and picks me up to straddle him. He stops kissing me tenderly and stares at my glistening eyes for him, "I couldn't figure out another way to shut you up."
I smile at him, blushing only lightly to where he won't notice my interest in him. "I have a boyfriend." He continues to kiss me again by the neck, plunging out the moans I do when I'm intimate with Kyle.

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