Yesterday couldn't seem any worse.
Ryan didn't text me at all, he could probably sense that I didn't want to get in trouble with Kyle right now...I still wanted to see him.
Kyle definitely didn't care about pleasing me or even questioned anything else with my rendezvous with Ryan, but at the same time, it probably didn't even phase him.
"Where are you going?" Kyle asked when I decided to get up already, the morning was fresh outside, and I could see the sun smiling through our bedroom window.
"Work." I brushed the answer off, like I didn't even care about him. Why am I acting like this? I do love him still...don't I?
"Well, I was thinking maybe you can take the day off and we can hang out with each other today." I don't know why he would ask such a thing. It has been years since we've been on a date, I was starting to feel like we were roommates already.
"Um..." I was taking a lot of days off of work, my poor assistant was taking cover of my shifts, but she didn't know the real reason why, I also didn't want to admit to Kyle that I've been taking days off, "Sure..."
"Great, well let me take a shower and I'll meet you in a few minutes, if you want you can check up on the store and see if you need to do something." Great idea Kyle.
"Alright, see you at the store in about an hour then." I swiftly left the house and started walking towards the store. "Hey Pam."
"Scarlet, I wasn't sure if you were going to come in today or not." Pamela was pretty young, but she was going to school part-time and also working here at the store.
"Actually, Kyle wants me to take the day's a date." I smiled back at her, wondering if this would be a good idea or not. Maybe this could be something that could bring Kyle and I back together, on the same relationship track again.
"Date?" Out pops Ryan who was attentively listening helping Pamela store the boxes away.
"Ryan?" Pamela puts her hand on his shoulder and smiles back at me, I could tell she was developing a little crush on him already.
"He's been helping me with the store, I didn't know you two have met already. He's a marine..." She awed and looked back at him. Ryan could tell that she liked him, what a jerk, he's playing with her feelings.
"Sweet Pamela here is just showing me the ropes, I need to do something with my spare time." Ryan winked at me and started to look down at my body.
I tried covering with my purse, but that didn't really help, "Ryan can I speak to you in my office?" Ryan eagerly dropped the shipment and started to head to the back behind the register and closed the door.
"Kyle...had sex with me yesterday." I admitted. I could see the anger in his eyes, like if he owned me or something.
He punched the door lightly, "Why are you telling me this?" I didn't want to keep anything between whatever this was...but now it seems like he doesn't even care.
"What do you mean why am I telling you? Because I thought you would care..." He angrily steps forward and gets close to my lips.
"I'm not your boyfriend." He turned around not even caring about what I said. "You've made that really clear by staying with that loser."
"You know I just can't leave." He turned back around and showed me another side I hadn't seen before.
"And why not?" I walk towards him to answer his stupid question.
"Because I barely know don't even talk to me about your past, and I know there's something you're not telling me." I angrily replied back.

RomanceHe cracks open a half-smile, grabs me by my hips and pulls me closer to him; almost instantly I melt in his strong arms as if I were perfect for his body, "I know you feel the sparks too sweetheart, so when you're done playing house with that boyfri...