WARNING: Can get more graphic than usual. Mature audiences ONLY.
"What the hell happened, Lee?" Ryan angrily looked towards me, "Scarlet, talk to me." So many things were running through my head right now. Do I tell him? I was even afraid for Lee's safety.
"Ryan...I'm going to tell Lee to go home now." I could tell his frustrated look turned into a grin. For Lee's safety at least, "Something bad happened. I don't want you to end up hurting your best friend."
I turned my head towards Lee's direction, he looked uncomfortable. He started to lean against the wall to hang onto his stance; everything was moving so fast, it was hard to see how everyone in the room was feeling clearly.
Ryan walked over to me, resting his hand onto my shoulder, then caressing the side of my face, "I'm not hurting anyone baby." I could finally see his calm face, the Ryan that I knew and loved. "What happened?""Before I say anything, I just want to say how I'm sorry all of this happened. Everything is ALL of my fault. I wanted to have a movie night and so I went to Blockbuster. But then Lee was there and he decided to come with me. Which I agreed to." My rambling was definitely making him laugh, but I knew this next part wouldn't, "He kissed me."
The tenseness in his jawbone was seen. He quickly grunted his frustration, "He leaned me against the wall, and kissed me. And I liked it."
I turned my head away, into Lee's direction. I blushed, but I could see the content look on his face. It's his stupid fault that I'm feeling emotions for both Ryan and Lee. Not only that, but I LOVE RYAN. There is no way I'm going to ruin my relationship with Ryan all because of a stupid mistake.
Ryan pulled back a bit, "Is that all that happened?""Look man", Lee stepped in between us, in front of Ryan's face, "I'm sorry dude. You're one lucky son of a bitch, do you know that? You have a beautiful, intelligent, and amazing woman right here. I overstepped your boundaries, I messed up." Was he actually saying all of these nice things to me? The freaking asshole that is always sucking up to me is into me?
I had tears strolling down my face by now. With everything that both of these guys were saying about me, being understanding especially at a time like this.
Ryan pushed Lee away, "I love you." I hugged Ryan really hard, almost leaving marks on his body, even though I'm pretty sure I wasn't capable of that.
"I love you too Ryan."For a while the room almost felt still. "I want you to kiss him." I felt as though I didn't hear Ryan correctly. Him ordering me to kiss Lee... he wouldn't say that.
"Um..." I awkwardly looked at Lee who had the same confused look on his face that I had."I want you to kiss him, Scarlet." In an instant Lee rushed himself over to me to kiss me, deeply, just like he had previously when Ryan almost caught us.
I pushed myself away a little, "Are you sure?" Ha, maybe I should've asked that before I was already getting kissed. He had a grin on his face, this was turning him on.
"Perfectly sure." He smiled at me and continued to watch.Lee started to push me closer to the couch where he continued to swirl his tongue with mine; I quickly glanced at Ryan who looked extremely pleased. Especially his yummy companion down there. The bulge was not forgettable.
"Let me strip you, baby." Ryan came over to us and started undressing my way-too-sexy outfit choice for today. "Lace." He grinned again.
"Fuck." Lee stood there, just watching Ryan strip me down to my under-garments. "Dude, have I told you how fucking lucky you are."
"Not as much as I'd like to hear it." Men. They were playing their egos right in front of me. I giggled, not before Lee and Ryan started to take off their clothes.

RomanceHe cracks open a half-smile, grabs me by my hips and pulls me closer to him; almost instantly I melt in his strong arms as if I were perfect for his body, "I know you feel the sparks too sweetheart, so when you're done playing house with that boyfri...