Chapter 7

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Dalzollene, Squala, Basho, and I stood outside our cars and watched in silence as the buff thief dealed with the mafia alone. His comrades seating atop a cliff where they nonchalantly ignore whatever was transpiring.

"He's strong." Squala muttered, "We'll never stand a chance."

My attention was momentarily torn away from them after hearing a car slowly approaching and two additional heartbeats.

"Kurapika is here." I notified them, and I'm guessing Jade was with him too.

After a few moments, the car halted beside the other ones and Kurapika came out of the driver's seat. We watched him as he walked around the car to the passenger's side, and Dalzollene immediately knew.

"Why would you bring her here? I thought you brought her back to the hotel?" His voice was on edge, angry and downright worried.

Kurapika opened the door for Jade and she walked out of the car with a blank face. I gasped in shock, not just because of seeing her expression but also because of hearing her heartbeat.

It played a melancholic melody of sadness, pain, guilt, and regret.

She walked casually to us, Kurapika following on her trail. Dalzollene fell silent after seeing her, his heart played the beats of complete worry and sympathy.

"No need to get mad at Kurapika, I insisted to go here." She told him, before walking past him to look directly at the transpiring fight. However, my sensitive ears did not fail to catch the words she murmured under her breath.

"I don't want to see Neon right now." She was on the edge...on the verge of blaming Neon for everything but she was holding herself back...because she cares for her twin.

"Is this the group that caused the commotion at the hall?"

I was too deep in thought, bewildered by all of Jade that I hadn't noticed when she had gotten the binoculars, and that I've momentarily forgot the massacre unfolding before us.

She roamed her eyes to us, seeking for answers. I struggled to prevent myself from gasping after seeing her eyes. It was devoid of any emotion known to man, obviously a desperate attempt to mask her gnawing emotions...I may not be able to see, but I could hear...everything, from her heartbeat.

"Yes, we believe so. Even the mafia did." It was Dalzollene who answered her question whilst trying to avoid looking at her cold eyes.

It pains him...I could hear, sympathy.

That's how Jade valued the rest of the guards, because for her we're never mere bodyguards...we're family.

My eyes then fell to Kurapika. He stood in a fair distance away from Jade, also holding a binocular in one hand but his eyes graced the figure of the young lady. His heartbeat rang the familiar tune of confusion and curiosity, of sympathy and worry...that puts him on edge.

He doesn't understand...

I managed to smile a little from that thought. This must be the first time he felt such impulses, he doesn't know how to deal with it.

Let me guess, Kurapika...she's drawing you into her, doesn't she?

I wanted to ask that, but tonight's not the right time and it's not my place to make him realize that he's been attracted to her—to Jade.

Perhaps she could save him? From that underlying beats of rage within him...can she pull him out before he drown?

Or in this case...

My gaze turned back to Jade who was watching the scene of chaos with blank yet calculating eyes.

...will they both be able to save each other?

Kurapika's sudden shock cut me off from my daze and I look over to follow his gaze; and I too weren't able to suppress a gasp after seeing how the criminal had stopped a bazooka with his bare hands.

"He can use nen and is ridiculously strong. The advance force is obliterated and guns are ineffective against him." Kurapika said as he lowered the binoculars he held to his eyes and hand it over to an unbelieving Dalzollene.


"See for your self, his aura is unbelievable. As is the number of corpses."

"Who is that guy? He's tearing through people like scraps of paper. We're supposed to capture him? I won't be part of that!" It was Squala who voiced his disbelief, and I think all of us were thinking of the same thing.

"I agree. I don't see how we can win." Says Basho.

"Indeed." Dalzollene started off while lowering down his binoculars. "However, we cannot abandon our mission and back off."

"But..." Squala's complains were cut short when Jade walked briskly towards Dalzollene to give him a glare.

"Are you fucking stupid? We can never stand a chance against that brute! It's suicide! You-"

"Wait." I called out suddenly cutting Jade's words, but this seems important. "I suddenly hear additional hearbeats coming from somewhere."

My statement caught all of their attentions and it slightly put us all on edge. Were they allies? Or additional enemies?

After a few moments, something came out from the ground reeking with a powerful aura, stronger than any of us but far weaker than the brute in the crater.

"I am Worm, a Shadow Beast." He introduced. His name, literally suited him, the way he looks make him seem like a crossbreed of a human and a worm...

A shadow beast...the ten dons are making their moves.

"Which group do you belong to?" It asked, and Dalzollene was the one who answered.

"We're bodyguards for the Nostrade Family."

"I see." It said and roamed his eyes to each and everyone of us.

"It seems that you could use Nen, but don't bother." Another voice said as he walked from the darkness behind me and Linssen, another beast—I presumed; his aura reeked with the same intensity of the first beast.

And then another came... and another. Four of them. I could see they were strong, stronger than us...but individually, I cannot see them surpassing that brute in the crater.

To be continued...

A really short update sorry for the hang...the reception's getting bad. I'll try to update another sooner.

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