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3rd Person POV

Sean and Barbara were currently riding down Gotham's side streets, sticking mainly to the shadows as Sean stood out a lot with being on fire. Driving down side-street, Barbara's bike began to flash, indicating that an alert came into the GCPD. Sean heard this and stopped his bike when Barbara did with her's

"Got something?" asked the half-demon vigilante as he looked behind him. Barbara nodded as the alert was still coming.

"All units, be on alert, Slade Wilson has entered the city and has made an alliance with Poison Ivy. They are considered extremely dangerous and should not be cornered." Advised the officer over the police radio. Sean raised an eyebrow as he had heard of Ivy, but not so much of Slade, putting him on edge as new enemies are dangerous. Sean revved his engine, getting Barbara's attention as he wanted to be sure as to what we were walking into. She nodded and put her bike in gear and sped off ahead of me. Following suit and performing a wheelie till Sean caught up with her. He then let the front wheel down and pulled next to her.

"I've heard of Ivy before from some old newspapers or on a Gotham news channel and yes we do have Gotham news in Detroit," said Sean while making a tight turn at an intersection, Barbara also holding her position in the turn,

"What about Slade though? Never heard of him." Sean continued as he pulled passed a small family car that was in front of him.

"Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke is one of Batman's enemies. A gun for hire who is incredibly effective and has a sort of rivalry with Batman," explained Barbara as she drove ahead.

"Never really faced him myself, but heard from Alfred that Deathstroke is no one to take lightly." Sean took those words to heart as he and Barbara had driven ahead and towards an old greenhouse, one suspected to be Ivy's hideout. They both parked their bikes outside the greenhouse, Sean reaching into a side bag that was on his bike and grabbed a set of sunglasses. Putting them on as he did not want to have his identity known to a hired gun who was good enough to give Batman a hard time. Barbara crept over to the side of the building and fired a grappling hook to the ledge just above her. Sean took out one of his hooks, swinging it above his head before swinging it to the same ledge and the hook catching a pipe that was on top of the roof. Barbara winched herself using the motor on her grapple while Sean just pulled himself up using the enhanced strength he possessed.

Once on the roof, Barbara and Sean walked over to a hatch which Sean forced up using his scythe, slicing the lock off and using the handle to wedge the hatch open. Sean dropped through and landed as quietly as possible and waited for Barbara to follow. She landed on the ground, albeit quieter than Sean, being lighter and more used to making quiet landings. Walking on the platform, the two could see the greenhouse was home to a very impressive plant, most likely thanks to Ivy. One the ground floor was Ivy who was tending to some of her plants while Deathstroke patrolling around the floor along with some thugs, most likely some grunts hired by Deathstroke to assist in whatever they're doing.

"You almost done over there? I don't like being in one place too long," demanded Deathstroke as he looked around the greenhouse, Sean and Barbara ducking behind some pipes to avoid being seen.

"Batman is likely to show up at some point, if not himself then one of his jr.s will." Sean could see all his crimes his ever committed, several murders, assassinations, attacks, and thefts. He was losing control at an incredible rate, hunching over holding his head as he felt his temperature increase. Barbara saw this and decided to use the time it takes for Sean to transform and give the crooks a chance to survive. Jumping down and grappling to a girder then slowing her descent. Barbara effectively caught the attention of the entire room.

"Slade and Ivy, I suggest you surrender." stated Barbara as she crossed her arms as she waited for a response. Said response was some laughter from both villains.

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