Injustice part 2

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3rd Person.

A huge roar rang out through the Watchtower; pain and fire soon followed. The Justice Lords had taken cover behind whatever they could find to avoid the burn of the Ghost Rider's Hellfire Dragon. The mighty beast shot a wide stream at the Man of Steel, in an attempt to force the tyrant to surrender. Green Lantern was able to intercept the stream of fire with a shield, but the energy shield soon shattered from the power behind it. Hawkgirl tried attacking from behind but the Rider predicted this and swung a chain out to intercept the Thanagarian. The chain knocked her into a Javelin that was also in the hangar. The battle was actually having a huge toll on the station; floors torn up, walls broken down, the occasional groan as the Dragon took a step.

"Enough!" stated Superman, flying straight towards the dragon and tackling it through the hangar doors and began planet fall towards Earth. Superman continued to fly down to Earth, the Ghost Rider's Dragon roared in protest and used it's tail to knock Superman off. Once in the atmosphere, the Rider whipped the reins, causing the Dragon to right itself in the air. Looking around in the night sky, the Rider searched around for the Justice Lord. The Rider then sensed the presence of another evil, not far from where he and Superman made reentry. Using the ability to see what was wrong, the Rider saw quite possibly his toughest bounty yet. I Metropolis, the one being who has gone toe-to-toe with Superman and gave him more than enough injuries to prove that.

"DOOMSDAY." snarled the Rider as he saw that Doomsday was destroying the city in order to flush out his rival. The Rider decided to deal with Lords later, as Doomsday had much more blood on his hands. With a crack of the reins, the Dragon and darted off to go confront the alien behemoth. Flying towards Metropolis, the Rider saw that Doomsday had indeed been busy, destroying a lot of the Metropolis district. A few buildings were demolished and a trail of destruction was seen as the Rider closed in on Doomsday. Deciding to give a warning to the monster, the Ghost Rider nudged the Dragon a little, sending an invisible message as to give a loud warning roar. The Dragon complied and let out a huge roar, shattering several buildings windows in the process.

Lois Lane's POV

"Camera on the action Jimmy." I told my photographer. while watching from a safe distance. Jimmy nodded and continued to take pictures of Doomsday, who was currently destroying the street in a fit of rage. I took cover as a piece of debris flew near me. Looking back over, I saw that Doomsday roared into the sky and slammed both fists into the ground.

"Where are you, Superman?! Come and face your doom!"roared Doomsday while looking at the sky. That's when we heard a huge roar erupt from nowhere. I shielded my ears as the roar was deafening. I looked up to see an amber light getting closer to us. I squinted as to what I was looking at. From the light shot a stream of fire that slammed into Doomsday, sending him flying overhead and into a nearby building. Looking back, I saw the light was actually a dragon, hovering down to the ground. Once it landed, the street actually began to melt slightly. The Dragon did not appear to be the regular scales and flesh but more metallic and machine-like. Looking up behind the head. I saw a figure stand up, then jump off the Dragon and land on the ground. I widened my eyes as I have heard about this character.

"Are you getting this Jimmy?" I asked Jimmy while not turning around.

"I'm not sure what I'm getting." replied Jimmy as he showed me his digital camera, the image all fuzzy and blurred. I looked over to see the infamous Ghost Rider of Detroit standing in the street. Head cocked to the side. He then jerked it to the right, a soft whisper followed. He then placed his right hand over his nonexistent heart and raised his left hand to the sky, looking up like he was looking a heaven. A loud snarl drew the Rider out of his moment. Looking over to see Doomsday charging out of the building right at the Rider. The ride whipped out a chain hook and swung it at Doomsday, the chain wrapped around Doomsday's body and the Rider yanked as hard as he could pulling him into the air. Following the momentum, the Rider swung Doomsday around till he was swinging the monster around in a circle. Giving a sharp yank, the Rider swung Doomsday into a few buildings, sending him through each one. His chain unwrapped itself and slithered back to the Rider. Doomsday erupted from the rubble and roared at the Rider.

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