The Terror Beyond Part 2

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Fate's Tower

Things went from bad to worse when the League first arrived at the tower. Fighting against Doctor Fate, Grundy, and Aquaman had slightly drained the four Leaguers but that was only slightly. Now they were all staring down a massive demon? Monster? God? Superman, Diana, and the Ghost Rider weren't quite sure. The monster may not have done anything, yet, but that did not seem to stop Grundy who took the intruder as a threat. In the sense, he wasn't wrong.

"Worm face tries to attack Grundy's friends. GRUNDY CRUSH!" Grundy growled as he began to walk forward and attack the intruder. He was stopped by Aquaman who had run in front of him.

"Stay back, all of you. Everything is in the hands of Fate now," Aquaman pushed Grundy aside, not to knock him over but to allow Fate to fly up to confront the attacker. Chanting a short spell, Fate shot a beam of energy right at the forehead of the monster. The beam seemed to have some effect but the monster turned the tide and shot a beam of its own energy and canceled out Fate's power. Soon the beam that the monster shot struck Fate in the chest and caused electricity to crackle across the sorcerer. Fate cried in pain as the power of the monster overturned his.

"My turn," The Ghost Rider snarled and ran forward, its scythe in hand. The Rider swung a wide blow at the monster, sending a wave of fire right at it. The wave struck the monster in the face, causing its beam to falter. The Rider jumped into the air so that it was right next to Fate. Once he was next to him, the Rider held out its weapon for Fate to grab a hold of. Fate began to chant a new spell, the blade of the scythe began to glow as the Rider's blue hellfire was combined with Fates' magic. The Rider began to recite the same chant with Fate, the stream of hellfire and magic overloading the monster till it roared in pain, the hellfire covering the monsters portal and forcefully closing it.

With the portal closed, the Rider fell down to the ground but landed gracefully while Fate hovered down to meet up with the others. Fate leaned on the Rider for a second as he caught his breath, being forced to use an incantation while under a lot of mental stress from earlier took a lot out of him. Once Fate had a minute or so he stood up, the Rider made his scythe disappear so as to not hurt anyone, but since the fight had taken its' toll, even on him, he changed back to Sean, careful to reform his sunglasses.

"How could you possibly know that incantation?" asked Fate while looking at Sean. Sean merely shrugged.

"Rider did, I had no clue what it meant," replied Sean as he looked at the sorcerer.

"Is it over?" asked Aquaman, right after Sean.

"No, only a beginning." answered Fate, "It will rest, then attack again. We must complete the original spell." Inza then stepped towards her husband.

"You don't have the strength." said Inza.

"Nor do I have a choice."

Seeing that they were getting more questions than answers, Superman stepped forward.

"What is going on here?" requested the man of steel. "What was that thing?"

"There's no time." interjected Aquaman. But Wonder Woman and Sean were not gonna have any of that.

"Then make time." demanded Wonder Woman.

"Or maybe because you're afraid cause there's no water here." added Sean while folding his arms. Much to his surprise and the surprise of the rest of the League, Hawkgirl spoke up.

"We're not gonna fight again are we?" asked Hawkgirl. Fate nodded.

"No, we aren't. I'll show you what you wish to know." With that, Fate clapped his hands together and created a cloud of violet smoke. The smoke rose into the air and began to create some images. One of which was a city that was floating on the ocean.

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